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Alphabetic numerical axes and spirals of letters. Information of this online page can interest linguists and philologists, as the shown circular matrixes of alphabets can be used for researches on phonetic ratios of letters or graphic characters in different alphabetic systems and languages of world nations. |
Usually numerologists use rectangular matrixes of letters and numbers for calculations of numerical values of alphabetic characters in words of human speech. In particular 33 letters of contemporary Russian alphabet are comparable with rectangular numerical matrix which is shown in the table.
Verticals of the table correspond to 11 cithers, and
horizontal rows specify categories or grades of numbers, namely units,
dozens and grosses in the context of duodecimal system of mathematical notation. Letters of contemporary Russian alphabet correspond with cells of the table and with numbers of duodecimal notation, and differently to tell with numerical signs on duodecimal numerology. Look detail information on duodecimal system, and also on other numerical scales of mathematical notation in numerology within this website in section: metalinguistics. |
The shown rectangular table or numerical matrix of Russian letters can be presented in the form of circle which is formal equivalent or derivative figure of geometrical spiral, and differently to tell derivative spatial structure with spiral arrangement of alphabetic symbols, that is shown on following charts.
Eleven numerical axes and three circles on the left chart form spatial figure
which is circular numerological matrix of contemporary Russian alphabet. Namely
eleven axes correspond with cithers and three circles with categories of numbers
of duodecimal system of mathematical notation, that is equivalent to verticals
and horizontals of the rectangular table.
Alphabetic sequence of letters in circular matrix corresponds with spiral
arrangement according to which three circles are equivalent to three coils of
spiral, that is shown on the right chart.
Similarly letters of other alphabets form spirals and can be presented in the
form of circular numerological matrixes. For example, the following chart shows
circular matrix of alphabetic symbols of ancient Phoenician writing in which 22
signs correspond with numbers of duodecimal system of mathematical notation, as
well as 33 letters of Russian alphabet.
Symbols of Phoenician writing are formed with two coils
of spiral and two circles of circular matrix, and also eleven numerical
axes, that corresponds to ratio of letters with numbers of duodecimal numerology. Names or otherwise to tell denominations of letters form sacral metalinguistic formula of Phoenician writing, becausr each name has semantic value. For example, the name gimel means the word "camel". And also other names mean words which in aggregate form sacral formula in which intelligent statement or azbuka of alphabetic symbols is included. All semantic values of names in the sacral formula of Phoenician writing are unknown, namely only prospective senses of some letters are known, unlike azbuka of the Slavic alphabet of Cyril and Methodius, that is told on pages of this website in section: metalinguistics. |
Also red and blue colors on the chart show prospective similarity of some
contemporary Russian and English letters with alphabetic symbols of Phoenician writing.
According to positions of letters within the shown chart it is possible to see
that Russian and English alphabets are derivatives from Phoenician writing,
though phonetic values and graphic symbols of alphabetic signs or characters are
not absolutely identical.
In essence Phoenician writing is a source of the Greek and Slavic letters
according to which contemporary Russian alphabet is organized. And also
Phoenician writing is a source of Latin letters on the basis of which alphabetic
systems of West-European languages are constructed, and in particular English language.
Aleph is similar to initial letters of Russian and English alphabets.
Beth - Á and B.
Gimel - Ã and G.
Letter G is on place of C at comparison of English alphabet with Phoenician
writing, that is designated by yellow color.
Daleth - Ä and D.
He - Å and E.
Graphic symbols of letters are similar but phonetic values in Russian and
English languages are different.
Waw is similar to letter V, but corresponds with position of F in the
English alphabet.
And also there is similarity with letter U as alphabetic symbol V designated
sound U in the primary Latin alphabet.
In the Russian alphabet it is possible to consider similarity with  as
in Slavic or Cyrillic alphabetic system there was letter ÈÆÈÖÀ which
designated sounds  and Ó, and also which had graphical symbol
similar on Latin V.
Zain - Æ Ç and G Z.
English letter G is similar for two symbols of Phoenician writing zain and
gimel. And also letter Z has similarity with two Phoenician symbols zain and san.
Letter Z in primary Latin alphabetic system has been replaced by G, but then
again added and located in the end of alphabet.
Heth - È and H.
Thet has no concrete similarity with letters of Russian and English
alphabets, but this Phoenician character is comparable to combination of letters TH.
Yodh - É of Russian alphabet, and also letters I and J in English.
Kaph - Ê and K.
And also there is similarity with English letter C whose phonetic value is
similar with K in some cases.
Lamed - Ë and L.
Mem - Ì and M.
Nun - Í and N.
Samekh - similarity with letters of Russian and English alphabets are not
certain or unknown.
Ain - Î and O.
Letters of Russian alphabet Å and Î correspond with Phoenician
written symbols which are on one numerical axis. Therefore graphical forms of
Å and ¨ are similar, though Å designates iotated sound Ý, and
letter ¨ designates iotated sound Î.
Pe - Ï and P.
San is similar to Russian Ö or English Z though two letters have
different phonetic values.
And also there is similarity with English letter C which has sounding as
Russian Ö in some cases.
In total English letter C corresponds with two symbols san and kath of
Phoenician writing, though position in alphabet is on the place of symbol gimel,
that is shown by green color.
Qof is similar to English letter Q and has no certain similarity in the
Russian alphabet.
Resh - Ð and R.
Shin - Ñ and S.
Also there is similarity with Russian letters Ø and Ù.
Tav - Ò and T.
The shown similarities of Russian and English letters with symbols of Phoenician
writing are prospective. But however the specified similarities or otherwise to
tell linguistic ratios allow to speak that contemporary alphabets are
derivatives from ancient Phoenician characters.
Following page shows phonetic values according to which alphabetic symbols of ancient Phoenician writing correspond with letters of derivative old and modern Hebrew alphabets. And also parities of Phoenician written signs with Greek alphabetic characters and numerical values of Slavic letters in Cyrillic alphabet are specified.
And also on following pages in this section of website look information about Aramaic and Jewish languages, alphabetic signs in words and deck of Tarot fortunetelling cards, sacral azbuka or metalinguistic formula and chronological cycle of Tzolkin, pictographic images on ring from Mavro Spelaio and names of gods in myths of Ancient Greece, mathematical notation and numerology.