chronological periods and numbers

contemporary Russian alphabet

Page 6.


mystical meanings of letters and days of lunar cycle


Mystical meanings of letters and days of lunar cycle.
The sixth page compares letters of contemporary Russian alphabet with circular matrix of seven numbers of octal scale of mathematical notation and numerology, and also with chronological periods of lunar astronomical cycle.
Besides this page presents structured or otherwise to tell systematic order of Russian letters within circular numerical matrix of octal numerology.

Information of this page can be interesting not only in scientific linguistics, but also can interest researchers of ancient cosmological systems of human civilization and also astrologers, because according to ratio of Russian alphabetic letters with numbers of octal numerology it is possible to reconstruct information about mystical meanings of chronological periods or astronomical cycles of the moon, and in particular about astrological characteristics of 28 zodiacal lunar sectors and mansions or houses. As this esoteric information existed in the past time, but has been lost and not kept in contemporary astrology, but however can be reconstructed.


Russian alphabet and chronological periods of time.
Octal numerology and astronomical lunar cycle.

Except for letters of Latin alphabet also 33 characters of Russian alphabetic system can be compared with circular matrix of seven numbers of octal numerology, but for this purpose it is necessary to unite some alphabetic symbols. Namely it is necessary to unite alphabetic characters of iotated sounds with similar vowel phonemes, and then 33 Russian letters correspond to 28 positions of circular numerological matrix which has seven numerical axes and four circles, that is shown on the chart.

characters of Russian alphabetic system with seven numbers of octal numerology Dark font shows letters of contemporary Russian alphabet, and also names of week days and symbols of astrological planets which correspond to seven numerical axes of circular matrix.
Red font shows alphabetic characters of iotated sounds which are incorporated with letters of similar vowel phonemes. Namely 10 vowel signs of Russian alphabet are incorporated in 5 pairs Àß ÝÅ ÈÛ Î¨ ÓÞ and as a result 33 letters are compared to 28 positions of circular numerical matrix of octal numerology, and also seven astrological planets and days of week.
Planets and days of week correspond with numerical axes according to geometrical angles of magic star which is shown on the previous page in this section of website.


In total seven numerical axes and four circles correspond to 4 weeks, as 7x4=28 days. And also 28 positions of the shown numerological matrix approximately correspond with astronomical phases of the moon and lunar month which has size of 29,5 days, and actually has calendar duration of 29 or 30 days. Hence, letters of alphabet correspond to 28 dates of calendar lunar month, and 29th-30th days can be compared to the center of circular matrix. As a result it is possible to compare Russian alphabetic characters to astrological characteristics of lunar days, namely with qualities and features which are known in astrology.
For example, letters Àß correspond with the first day of lunar month and new moon when mental processes have minimal intensity and people are focused in personal private world, that answers philosophical categories and mystical meanings or esoteric values of alphabetic characters Àß which in the context of metalinguistic formula of Russian alphabet symbolize individual essences and human souls. Or letter Ï corresponds with the fifteenth day of lunar month and full moon when mental processes reach maximal intensity and people are guided in external world, that corresponds to philosophical categories and mystical values of alphabetic character Ï which symbolizes social coexistence and involvement of human beings into public relations.
Also other days of lunar month can be compared to philosophical categories and mystical values of letters.
But it is necessary to consider that different descriptions of lunar days are known in astrology, namely diverse characteristics which not always are correct or otherwise to tell authentic, and consequently it is necessary to choose descriptions which correspond to the validity.
Look information on characteristics of lunar days on pages of other website in section which has the name of chronology.
Also look information on philosophical categories and mystical meanings or sacral esoteric senses of Russian letters at this website in section which is named as metalinguistics, or on previous page.

Besides days of calendar moon month it is possible to correlate letters of Russian alphabet with 28-day periods within one year in the calendar which has been fixed in the Dead Sea Scrolls or manuscripts of Qumran religious community. Because Qumran calendar makes 364/28=13 chronological periods which are comparable with ecliptic movement of the moon during one day, as numbers 13 and 12,857 are approximately equal.
Or it is possible to correlate letters of Russian alphabet with 28 sectors of lunar zodiac or otherwise to tell zodiacal zones which are angular arcs of 12,857 degrees of ecliptic or apparent solar path on the celestial sphere. That corresponds with division of astrological circle into 28 parts or sectors, as 360/28=12,857, that is shown on the chart.

division of astrological circle into 28 parts or sectors of lunar zodiac Astrological circle and twelve signs of zodiac on the chart are divided into 28 angular arcs or parts which are designated by numbers from 1 to 28.
Each angular arc or or part has size of 360/28=12,857 degrees and corresponds to one sector of lunar zodiac in the context of astrology.
Namely 28 parts form lunar zodiacal circle and correspond with sequential order of Russian alphabet which has 5 pairs of vowel sounds and concerns to 28 positions which within the circular numerological matrix are formed by 4 circles and 7 numerical axes.
Look detail information about zodiacal sectors of the moon, and also about 28 lunar mansions (often called as stations or houses) at website on the sixth page in section which has the name of chronology.
Sectors of lunar zodiac according to rules of astrology have the fixed beginning in initial degree of astrological circle. And lunar mansions or houses differ that have no the fixed beginning, but begin from a point of conjunction of the moon with the sun in celestial map of horoscope or natal birth chart of a person.

According to mystical meanings and sacral philosophical categories of letters in the shown chart it is possible to understand esoteric characteristics of lunar mansions and zodiacal sectors of the moon. For example, if the moon is in twentieth mansion or zodiacal sector then astrological position corresponds with letter Ô which symbolizes belief or trust in the context of metalinguistic formula of Russian alphabet, and consequently if people born at this time then will possess religious outlook, or otherwise tell will perceive the world as display of divine volition.
Or on the contrary it is possible to understand philosophical categories and mystical meanings of alphabetic letters according to ratio with lunar mansions or zodiacal sectors, according to which astrologers calculate influence of the moon on events in lives of people.
It is necessary to tell that information on lunar mansions and zodiacal sectors existed in astrological knowledge of ancient Indian and Chinese cultures, but has been lost and is absent in the context of contemporary astrology. Though astrologers in some cases describe characteristics of lunar mansions or zodiacal sectors according with information in the kept ancient manuscripts and books, but in essence original meanings or mystical features are unknown, and contemporary descriptions are impossible for consideration as authentic.
In total it is possible to correlate Russian alphabetic letters with 28 days of astronomical moon months and mansions or sectors of lunar astrological zodiac, and also with 13-day periods of ancient calendar which existed in Qumran religious community or in the sect of Essenes. Namely with chronological periods of calendar system which is described in manuscripts or in the library of scroll documents which were found on 1947 in caves on the shore of Dead Sea in Jordan.
Or it is possible to correlate Russian letters to the calendar system which is ciphered in architecture of the Kukulkan Pyramid of Feathered Serpent deity at Chichen Itza on peninsula Yucatan in Mexico. Because step pyramid of Kukulkan has 91 levels of staircases on 4 sides, that in total is similar to 91x4=364 days of one year in the Qumran religious calendar.
Look detail information about Qumran calendar and pyramid of Kukulkan on pages of other website:
And also it is possible to correlate characters of Russian alphabet with chronological periods which have duration of 28 years and integration with astronomical cycles of planets in astrology.
Poet Velimir Khlebnikov or Welimir Chlebnikow spoke about cosmological intervals of time or chronological periods which have duration of 28 years.
Or it is possible to correlate graphical characters of Russian alphabet to 56 minor arcanas of Tarot fortunetelling cards, as 28+28=56. Namely four circles of circular matrix of numbers or numerical signs of octal numerology can be compared to 4 suits, and seven numerical axes with 14 numerals. And accordingly letters of Russian alphabetic system on 28 positions of circular numerological matrix can be compared to suits and numeral values of minor arcanas in the deck of Tarot fortunetelling cards.
In essence common set of letters in Russian and Latin alphabets can be considered as aggregate sign system which within circular matrix of octal numerological numbers corresponds to 56 minor and 22 major cards of Tarot.
Look information on ratio of Latin letters with 22 major arcanas of Tarot fortunetelling cards on previous page in this part of website.
And also letters of Russian and Latin alphabets can be considered as aggregate sign system which is comparable to numbers in the mathematical system of dominoes. Namely Russian alphabet can be compared to 28 numerical tiles or pieces of classical dominoes set which consists of digital combination from 0 to 6. And letters of Latin alphabet can be compared with numerical tiles of Chinese dominoes set which consists of digital combinations from 0 to 5.
Look information on mathematical systems of dominoes on pages of other website:
Spatial positions of some Russian alphabetic characters within circular matrix of numbers or digits of octal numerology form symmetric geometrical figures. In particular letters Æ Ø Ù designate conformable phonemes and form spatial figure which is symmetric concerning seventh numerical axis. And also vowel letters almost form spatial geometrical figure which is symmetric concerning seventh numerical axis.
If to consider that phonetic sounds of alphabetic characters Ð or R and Ì or M are considered as vowels in the Indian Sanskrit, namely in sacral language by which sacred texts and hymns of Vedic mythology are written, then symmetric spatial figure of vowel letters exists.
But as a whole in the shown circular matrix there is no symmetry, because alphabetic sequence of Russian letters is organized according to numbers of duodecimal numerological system, and also according to other esoteric principles rather than sequential order of characters in Latin alphabet which form symmetric figures comparable to names of archangels, as it is written on the previous page.
But however circular matrix of octal numerology is the sacral geometrical design which allows to order contemporary Russian alphabet, and as a result duodecimal numerical values and phonetic parameters of letters can possess absolute symmetry, that is shown on the following chart.

absolute symmetry of numerical values and phonetic parameters of letters

graphical characters of alphabet and minor arcanas of Tarot fortunetelling cards

Symmetric letters have following phonetic parameters.
Pairs of voiced and unvoiced consonant sounds ÑÇ ÁÏ ÒÄ ÂÔ ÃÊ.
Sounds ÍÌ and ËÐ, also affricates Ö×.
Conformable phonemes ÁÂÏÔ ÃÊÕ ÆØÙ Ö×ØÙ.
And also on the chart it is possible to see other symmetric geometrical figures which are connected with phonetic parameters of letters.
Besides letters on the chart form structural or systematic order according to which duodecimal numerical values are coordinated with numbers of octal numerology. Namely letters are located so as mathematical sums of duodecimal numerical values correspond to number 22 on each of seven numerical axes.
For example, 1+11+3+7=22 on the first numerical axis.
Below two rectangular numerological matrixes allows to see duodecimal numerical values of Russian letters.
Namely letters in the first rectangular matrix have normal alphabetic sequence, and 10 vowel signs of Russian alphabet are incorporated in 5 pairs in the second matrix.


Positions of letters in the circular matrix of octal numerology are designated by different colors which specify phonetic groups and ratio of Russian alphabet with divine pantheon of Vedic mythology.
Red - vowel phonemes - Vedic gods in the category of Rudras.
Green and blue - open consonant phonemes ÂÔÇÑÆØÙÕ - gods in the category of Vasus.
Yellow - stop consonants ÁÏÄÒÃÊÌÍËÐÖ× - gods in the category of Adityas.
Colorless positions - letter É with firm and soft marks.
Letter É corresponds with INDRA who is main deity in the category of Rudras.
Firm and soft marks correspond with cosmic twins or Ashvins who are interconnected with INDRA in the context of Vedic mythological system.
Letters ÂÔÕ form spatial triangle in which Õ symbolizes cosmic egg, and ÂÔ are mystical symbols of two celestial sources of universe which have arisen from the cosmic egg.
Letters ÆØÙÇÑ form spatial pentagon which corresponds to five elements of Chinese philosophy and primary potentialities of universe in myths of Ancient Greece.
Look detail information on ratio of Russian alphabetic letters with divine pantheon of Vedic mythology, and also with five elements of Chinese philosophy and primary potentialities of universe of the Greek myths on pages of this website in other section which refers as names of gods.
The shown systematic order of phonetic and numerical values of Russian letters in space of circular matrix of octal numerological numbers can be considered as a multivariate metalinguistic design or complex and alphabetic model which is structured and organized according to different systems of mathematical notation, and also according to universal divine principles and sacral laws which form not only alphabets of mankind and structure of human speech but also construction of universe. Because contemporary Russian alphabet is display of uniform phonetic system of human speech or otherwise to tell universal acoustic scale which is common or general for all languages of world nations.
Pay attention that if to read along spiral from the first numerical axis then combination of letters ÀÔÂÈÒÎÄÉÅ in the beginning of the shown systematic order of Russian letters allows to see Italian words ALFABETO DIO or French words ALFABET DIEU, that means ALPHABET of GOD.

Following page compares letters of Russian alphabet with ancient calendar of Maya, and also chronological system of Mayan civilization is compared with pantheon of gods in Vedic mythology.

And also on following and previous pages it is possible to find information about symbols of Phoenician writing and contemporary Hebrew language, designations of phonetic soundings and pictographic signs in calendar of Maya, theological concepts of divine Trinity and names of five archangels, solar deity in myths of Greece and Sirius above horizon in ancient Egypt.
