The first complete set of
playing cards with letters.

The second deck of
playing cards with alphabet signs.

Playing board for word games.

Initial game positions for letters
of the first complete set:

Initial game positions for letters
of the second complete set:
The description of gaming construction. This
word forming game is arranged so that players could have letters of alphabet
or playing cards with alphabetic signs on squares of a chess board, and
could manipulate as gaming figures, namely as chessmen or tokens of
draughts men in checkers. Therefore letters of alphabet are put on a surface of
tiles or playing cards in two positions that
players do not read letters "head over heels" in the event that
participants of game process are opposite each other as in a chess or checkers.
The composition of gaming construction contains two complete sets or
decks of 32 playing cards on which consonant letters are printed once, and
vowels are presented twice. Total each complete set of playing cards represents 20
consonant letters and 6+6=12 vowels of the Latin alphabet.
Playing cards of two complete sets differ by means of presence or
absence of dark rhombuses on backs of sheets and by different colors on
front-face areas.
Playing cards of the first complete set have red and yellow colors, and the second
deck have green and blue color palettes
that corresponds to proportional groups. Namely letters of red and
yellow, and also green and blue playing cards in complete sets are
proportional according to numerical factors of frequency in language
that provides equal odds of a prize to players if everyone plays by own
proportional group.
It is possible to count mathematical sums of numerical factors for
alphabetic frequency in words of English language at the left in figures
where initial game positions of proportional groups on a chess board are shown.
The belonging of letters to proportional groups in structure of complete
sets is specified not only by different colors on front-face areas but
also by presence and absence of daggers on backs of playing cards.
Proportional distribution consists that letters have
factors or coefficients of using or frequency of occurrence in language
according to which mathematical sums of coefficients in each group are
equal. But it is necessary to consider that composition of this word
game represents complete sets of letters which are distributed on
proportional groups according to frequency factors in the English language.
Letters of the Latin alphabet are common or general for different
languages, but in this case alphabetic signs are organized as a board
game for English words, but also can be organized as gaming designs for
different foreign language systems.
Factors of frequency using for Latin letters in words of English
language are shown above in the table, and also specified on playing
cards by means of Arabian ciphers.
Also proportional groups have equal quantity of vowel letters which are
syllabic and have paramount value at word formation.
If two players participate in game then each can play by letters of
own proportional group from structure of any one complete set, or each
can play by playing cards of own deck. And thus equal odds of a prize
will be observed due to proportional distribution of letters.
Besides on playing cards there are drawings of focusing arrows which can
be directed on opponents if participants of game are located on
different parties of a chess board, that allows to distinguish own letters.
The game board has 64 squares that is similar to a chessboard and
corresponds for 32+32=64 playing cards in two complete sets. Namely
construction of the chess board for this word forming gaming consists of
eight vertical and horizontal lines of squares
which have rectangular forms similar to shapes of playing cards.
Squares are dark and light in staggered rows as on a chess-board, that allows
to see diagonals.
Verticals and horizontals are designated by numerical notations.
According to the listed design features this word forming game allows to
have playing cards with letters on squares and to play as by
chess figures. Arrangements of proportional groups of the
first and second complete sets on chessboard squares in initial
game positions are shown in figures 1 and 2 where letters are shown in cells of
schematic table with indications of frequency factors in words of the English language.
Brief rules and instructions of some playing interactions look on the appropriate page of
this website or look PDF files wgru1.pdf and
wgru2.pdf under blue button below where the complete manual of 33 games and 6
puzzles are written in Russian.
Rules of games with use of Latin letters in a context of English
language are similar to instructions of playing interactions with Russian
words, but knowledge of different languages is necessary for players or gamers.
Letters of the Latin alphabet can be used in word games for different
languages, but distributions of letters to proportional groups
are necessary for different lexical or vocabulary systems according to frequency factors of
alphabetic signs in national linguistic constructions for which this gaming will be intended.
Or playing cards with letters of Latin alphabet can be used for word
games in which rules allow formation of any conditional alphabetic
combinations or transcriptions of lexical compositions.
Besides playing cards with Latin letters can be actual for the Chinese,
Korean or Japanese languages, and also other national linguistic
constructions in which there are no alphabetic signs. Namely Chinese or
Korean or Japanese words can be written by Latin letters, and gamers can
apply transcriptions of oriental hieroglyphs, either Arabian or Indian
or Jewish linguistic symbols for word games and puzzles. Provided that
distributions of letters in complete sets of playing cards on
proportional groups according to frequency of using in corresponding
languages are necessary.
And also gamers need special dictionaries where Chinese, Korean,
Japanese or Arabian, Indian, Jewish words are written by Latin letters,
that participants of games could identify combinations of alphabetic
signs which are admissible for word-formation.
Or playing cards with letters of Latin alphabet can be used for
international tournaments and competitions in which the Esperanto
language is establishing for word-formation. Or it is possible to make
special dictionaries for international word games in which carriers of
different languages participate.
International dictionaries for linguistic tournaments should have
equal quantities of words of all languages, and also letters in complete
sets of playing cards should be distributed on proportional groups
according to average arithmetic factors or mathematical coefficients of
frequency in all used lexical systems.
Or gamers can organize logic charts and tables, or otherwise to tell
mathematical sign systems and geometrical matrixes in which letters form
conditional words comprehensible to perception for carriers of different
foreign languages, and admissible for word-formation in a context of
global linguistic games or puzzles at international tournaments and contests.
In any case Latin letters for word games and puzzles can be
interesting in different languages even if lexical system of this or
that country of the world is constructed according to other alphabetic signs.
Or playing cards for word forming chessboard games can be organized
according to linguistic signs of the international phonetic alphabet of
human speech, or according to alphabetic designs of nation languages of
the world, if it will be interesting for gamers.
Images of two complete sets of playing cards with letters of the Latin
alphabet and pictures of the playing chess board can be downloaded in
the PDF file suitable for home printing in format A4.
- 304Kb.
File is located in online storehouse where can be downloaded at purchase of access.
Now the online storehouse of files does not work, but ask images personally me via e-mail.
Also you can download other PDF files with
images for printing playing cards or
dominoes, and also many other board games from other my gaming websites
within the Internet portal
I can exchange files with images for this word forming board game with
letters on a chess board for
free-of-charge translations of any pages of this website into foreign languages.
The address for conversations about rules of game interactions with words on a
chessboard, and also different themes for discussions
about board logic games, about numerology of alphabets and
numbers of letters in names of people.
I hope that this word forming game on a chess board will be interesting
and entertaining!
Will be more interesting rather than prototypes such as scrabble or erudite.