
letters of Slavic alphabet

sacral azbuka

Page 1.

metalinguistic azbuka
mathematical and numerological systems
gematria of words
ratio of speech sounds
mantic qualities of alphabetic characters
complex structure of languages
letters in English alphabet
method of calculations in numerology


letters of the Slavic alphabet


The sacral statement or phrase of Cyril's alphabet.
The first page describes sacral azbuka of Slavic alphabet, namely letters of Cyrillic alphabetic system are correlated with metalinguistic formula in which multiple-valued esoteric senses are included.

Information of this web page can be interesting in scientific linguistics and theology, as 43 letters of sacral azbuka in the Slavic alphabet are the basis of Slavonic languages and divine liturgy of the Christian Orthodox Church.


Sacral azbuka of Saints Cyril and Methodius.
Metalinguistic formula and letters of Slavic alphabet.

The metalinguistics is fantastical or mystical understanding of letters and words, as alphabetic symbols are considered as graphic signs which designate not only sounds of speech but also philosophical concepts and categories. Namely letters of alphabet from the view point of metalinguistics are elements of language or logic signs which mean esoteric or otherwise to tell supernatural sense of human speech. And words in the context of metalinguistics are alphabetic combinations which specify not only dictionary semantic meanings but also complex philosophical concepts and categories, or mystical values existing besides ordinary linguistics.
Philosophical categories and mystical values of letters are names which form sacral azbuka or metalinguistic construction of formula according to which the structure of alphabet is systematized.
Alphabetic signs have no names in contemporary Russian alphabetic system, but primary letters of Slavic alphabet or Cyrillics possess denominations and form the alphabet in which consecutive intelligent statement or phrase is included. Namely set of symbols in Cyrillics forms the systematized combination of literal names which form the metalinguistic formula or sacral azbuka and esoteric system of alphabet.
Names of letters in the Slavic alphabet are not casual and possess intelligent values which form sacral statement or phrase.
Constantine (Cyril) the Philosopher and Methodius from Salonika (Thesaloniki in contemporary Greece) have created Slavic alphabet for translation of biblical texts into languages of Slavs, and for this purpose it was necessary to fix phonetic system of Slavonic languages by means of alphabetic signs which are organized according to divine laws. As it was necessary that sacral structures of words in the Bible has not been broken as a result of translation.
Therefore Cyril and Methodius have created the alphabet which is unification of all languages of Slavs by means of uniform phonetic construction. And also Cyril and Methodius have coordinated Slavic letters with phonetic system of the Greek alphabet by means of which translation of the Bible from Aramaic into language of ancient Greece earlier has been executed. And also Cyril and Methodius have included in Slavic alphabetic system the sacral formula or otherwise speaking the sacred statement which expressed mystical values of divine laws.
Below the table shows graphic symbols or characters and names of letters of the Slavic alphabet, and also phonetic parameters and philosophical categories which form sacral azbuka or otherwise to tell alphabetical metalinguistic formula.

The azbuka of Cyril and Methodius (Cyrillic alphabet).

Phonetic parameters and philosophical categories.
 1. The first letter of alphabet. Occurs from the Greek "alpha" and Phoenician "aleth".
Means the pronoun I or EVERYONE ß / ÊÀÆÄÛÉ.
 2. Occurs from the Greek "beta".
Means the word LETTERS ÁÓÊÂÛ and has common origin with the third letter  (ÂÅÄÈ) of Slavic alphabet.
 3. Occurs from the Greek "beta".
Means the word KNOW ÂÅÄÀÒÜ / ÇÍÀÒÜ and has phonetic ratio with 21st and 43rd letters Ó (ÎÓÊÚ) and ÈÆÈÖÀ of Slavic alphabet.
 4. Occurs from the Greek "gamma".
Means the word SPEAK ÃËÀÃÎËÈÒÜ / ÃÎÂÎÐÈÒÜ and has some variants of pronunciation in different Slavonic languages.
 5. Occurs from the Greek "delta".
Means words KIND or KINDNESS ÄÎÁÐÎÅ / ÄÎÁÐÎÒÀ. With letters Æ and Ç in some Slavonic languages is used in sound combinations ÄÆ and ÄÇ which are sonant or sonorous conformity of × and Ö.
The sound ÄÇ in the Serbian alphabet has special alphabetic sign which has the name ÄÜÆÅÐÂÜ or ÄÅÐÂÜ that corresponds with 26th letter ×ÅÐÂÜ of Slavic alphabet.
Macedonian language for designation of sounds Ä Æ ÆÄ has the character which corresponds with 4th letter à (ÃËÀÃÎËÈ) in the Slavic alphabet.
 6. Occurs from the Greek "epsilon".
This letter corresponds to the iotated sound Ý in Russian but in most Slavonic languages means ordinary Ý, that specifies phonetic ratio with 35th letter Å iotated of Slavic alphabet.
 7. There are no analogues in the alphabet of ancient Greece.
Means the word LIFE ÆÈÇÍÜ.
In some Slavonic languages is used in the sound combination ÄÆ which has phonetic ratio with 26th letter ×ÅÐÂÜ of the Slavic alphabet.
The sound combination ÄÆ in Serbian language has writing designation by means of special graphical character which reminds 25th letter Ö (ÖÈ) in the Slavic alphabet.
 8. Occurs from the Greek "digamma" and has phonetic ratio with the letter Ç (ÇÅÌËß) but is the designation of transitive phoneme between sounds Ä and Ç, or between à and Ç.
Means the words RATHER or CONSIDERABLY ÂÅÑÜÌÀ / ÇÍÀ×ÈÒÅËÜÍÎ. Also it is possible to assume semantic meaning of the word CONSENT ÑÎÃËÀÑÈÅ which is similar for SETTLEMENT ÑÅËÎ / ÑÅËÅÍÈÅ.

Occurs from the Greek "zeta".
Means the word GROUND or EARTH ÇÅÌËß and in the contemporary Russian alphabetic system is incorporated with the previous 8th letter of Slavic alphabet.
10. Occurs from the Greek "eta" or in the Byzantine pronunciation "ita".
Means the linguistic conjunction ÈÆÅ È (ÈÌÅÍÍÎ) which is not used in contemporary Russian language. Or means the word TRUE ÂÎÈÑÒÅÍÍÎ (ÈÆÅ ÈÑÒÈÍÍÎ) and has phonetic ratios with next and 30th letters I (ÈÆÅ) and Û.
The letter È (ÈÆÅÈ) in some contemporary Slavonic languages is absent and is replaced by the next alphabetic character I (ÈÆÅ), but Russian alphabet has È (ÈÆÅÈ).
From the letter È (ÈÆÅÈ) in Russian language occurs É which actually has phonetic ratio with I (ÈÆÅ) which is the source of iotated vowels.
Southern Slavs use Latin letter J which forms iotated vowels and is similar to graphical character I (ÈÆÅ).
11. Occurs from the Greek "iota" and Phoenician "yodh".
Means the linguistic conjunction ÈÆÅ which is not used in contemporary Russian language.
Quite possible that the letter I (ÈÆÅ) corresponds with soft and long sound of speech, and the letter È (ÈÆÅÈ) corresponds with short sounding near to phoneme Û.
12. Occurs from the Greek "kappa" and has conformity with 40th letter ÊÑÈ of Slavic alphabet.
Means the interrogative pronoun HOW ÊÀÊ or affirmative word collocation THAT AS or IT AS ÒÎ ÊÀÊ / ÝÒÎ ÊÀÊ.
Occurs from the Greek "lambda".
Means the word PEOPLE ËÞÄÈ.
Some Slavonic languages use only soft phonetic variant of this letter, that is caused by influence of Latin speech where hard sound L is absent.

Occurs from the Greek letter "mu".
Means the word IDEA or THOUGHT ÌÛÑËÜ.
15. Occurs from the Greek "nu".
Means the word OURS ÍÀØ.
In some Slavonic languages there are special alphabetic characters for variants of soft sound Í and nasal phoneme which is similar to the English NG.
16. Occurs from the Greek "omicron".
Means the demonstrative pronoun THAT ONESELF (VERY MAN WHO) ÒÎÒ / ÒÎÒ ÑÀÌÛÉ (ÎÍÛÉ) or the word IT ÎÍÎ.
Forms part of duplicate digraph ÎÓ (ÎÓÊÚ) which is resemblance of 24th Slavic letter W (ÎÒÚ) which means the word FATHER ÎÒÅÖ.
17. Occurs from the Greek "pi".
Means words REST or PACIFICATION ÏÎÊÎÉ / ÓÌÈÐÎÒÂÎÐÅÍÈÅ and has conformity with 41st letter ÏÑÈ of Slavic alphabet.
18. Occurs from the Greek letter "rho".
19. Occurs from the Byzantine letter "sigma lunata".
Means the noun WORD ÑËÎÂÎ.

Occurs from the Greek "tau".
In some Slavonic languages there is phonetic ratio with letters Ö and ×.
21. It is digraph of letters Î (ÎÍÚ) and V (ÈÆÈÖÀ) that corresponds to vowel sound Ó, but sometimes corresponds with the letter  (ÂÅÄÈ) or with sounding like English phoneme W.
Occurs from the Greek "phi".
Means the word BELIEF ÂÅÐÀ and has conformity with 42nd letter ÔÈÒÀ in the Slavic alphabet.
Sound of this letter absent in the ancient Slavonic languages, but this alphabetic character was applied to record of phonemes  and ÕÂ.
23. Occurs from the Greek "chi".
Means the word SPIRIT ÄÓÕ, that is comparable with linguistic prefix HIER (divine) in words of Greek origin.
The sound Õ in some Serbian words disappears at pronunciation and reduces into sounding of breath.
The modern Russian abusive swear-word ÕÅÐ has other sense rather than primary Slavic semantic meaning. Namely abusive modern meaning is distortion of the valid mystical value.
24. These alphabetic characters corresponds to the Greek "omega" and vowel sound Î at 16th letter Î (ÎÍÚ) in the Slavic alphabet.
Means the word FATHER ÏÀÏÀ / ÎÒÅÖ.
25. This alphabetic characters has possible analogies with the Aramaic "tsadhe".
Means the word SON ÑÛÍ and has phonetic ratio with next letter × (×ÅÐÂÜ).
26. Occurs from the Greek "qoppa" and is connected with the Aramaic "tsadhe".
Means words WORM or BELLY ×ÅÐÂÜ / ×ÐÅÂÎ.
In the Serbian language there is phonetic ratio with letters Ä (ÄÎÁÐÎ) and Æ (ÆÈÇÍÜ).
27. This alphabetic characters is similar with the Aramaic "shin".
Means demonstrative pronoun JUST WHO or THAT WHICH ÒÎÒ ÊÎÒÎÐÛÉ and has phonetic ratio with next 28th letter ØÒÀ.
28. Occurs from connections of alphabetic characters Ø× and ØÒ which are identical to the letter Ù and sound combinations Ñ× ÑÒ× ØÒ in the contemporary Russian language.
In Serbian alphabetic system there is ratio with additional letter ÃÅÐÂÜ or ÄÅÐÂÜ which designates sounding ÄÇ and corresponds with 5th and 9th letters Ä (ÄÎÁÐÎ) and Ç (ÇÅÌËß) in the Slavic alphabet.
29. This alphabetic character is big ÅÐ which exists in Russian and Bulgarian alphabets as hard sign and corresponds to unpronounceable vowel sound.
The name of this character is similar to 23rd letter ÕÅÐÚ.
30. This sign is digraph of 29th and 11th letters Ü (ÅÐÜ) and I (ÈÆÅ) that corresponds to vowel sound Û in the contemporary Russian alphabet.
Means the word SPIRITUALIZED or WINGED ÎÄÓÕÎÒÂÎШÍÍÛÉ / ÊÐÛËÀÒÛÉ that is caused by similarity to 23rd and 29th letters ÕÅÐÚ and ÅÐÚ.
Sounds Û and È coincide in contemporary southern Slavic languages.
Ukrainian language instead of letters È and Û has alphabetic characters I and È.
31. This alphabetic character is small ÅÐ or the soft sign in contemporary Russian alphabet where has no own acoustic values but changes sounding of previous letters.
The name of this character is similar to 23rd and 29th letters ÕÅÐÚ and ÅÐÚ that means the word SECRET or INNERMOST ÑÎÊÐÎÂÅÍÍÛÉ.
Ukrainian language uses this character in the combination ÜÎ which corresponds to Russian letter ¨ (JO).
32. This alphabetic character corresponds with average sound between Å and ß which is absent in contemporary Slavonic languages but has phonetic ratio with letters ÅÑÒÜ ÈÆÅ ÀÇÚ.
Pay attention that 29th, 30th, 31st, 32nd letters of the Slavic alphabet have similar forms, namely derivative graphical symbols or geometrical figures, and accordingly they have mystical values which specify gradation of one common philosophical concept in which words HIDDEN, SPIRITUALIZED, SECRET, SACRED are incorporated.
And also combinations of philosophical concepts and mystical values are ciphered in correlations of graphical forms and geometrical figures of other Slavic letters, namely alphabetic characters have formal ratios besides phonetic proportions.

33.   Occurs from combination of Greek letters IOY.
Means the word GREATNESS or GLORIFICATION ÂÅËÈ×ÈÅ / ÂÅËÈ×ÀÍÈÅ as union of 11th and 16th letters I (ÈÆÅ) and Î (ÎÍÚ).
Probably, this letter can be named Î iotated but phonetic value corresponds to the sound Ó iotated in contemporary alphabets.
34. À iotated This alphabetic character corresponds with vowel sound ß (IÀ) which is iotated variant of À.
Means words TO HAVE NAME ÈÌÅÒÜ ÈÌß because of phonetic ratio with letters I (ÈÆÅ) and À (ÀÇÚ).
35. Å iotated This alphabetic character corresponds with vowel sound Å which is iotated variant of Ý.
Means the word PERSON or APPEARANCE ËÈÖÅ / ÎÁËÈ×ÈÅ because of phonetic ratio with letters I (ÈÆÅ) and Å (ÅÑÒÜ).
36. ÞÑ small Nasal vowel sound À which has phonetic ratio with letter À (ÀÇÚ).
Nasal vowel phonemes are now kept in contemporary Polish language.
37. ÞÑ big Nasal vowel sound Ó which has phonetic ratio with letters Þ and ÎÓÊÚ.
38. ÞÑ small iotated Nasal vowel sound ß (IÀ) which has phonetic ratio with letters À (ÀÇÚ) and I (ÈÆÅ) and À iotated.
39. ÞÑ big iotated Nasal vowel sound Þ (IÓ) which has phonetic ratio with letters I (ÈÆÅ) and Þ and ÎÓÊÚ.
40. ÊÑÈ Occurs from the Greek "xi" and corresponds to sound combination ÊÑ which has phonetic ratio with letters Ê (ÊÀÊÎ) and Ñ (ÑËÎÂÎ).
41. ÏÑÈ Occurs from the Greek "psi" and has phonetic ratio with letters Ï (ÏÎÊÎÉ) and Ñ (ÑËÎÂÎ).
42. ÔÈÒÀ Occurs from the Greek "theta" and has phonetic conformity with letters Ô (ÔÅÐÒ) and Ò (Ò¨ÐÄÎ).
43. ÈÆÈÖÀ Occurs from the Greek "upsilon" and corresponds with vowel sounding È but sometimes corresponds with consonant sound Â.
Combination of letters ÎV (ÎÍÚ + ÈÆÈÖÀ) corresponds with vowel sound Ó.
Means the word ETERNALLY ÂÎ ÂÅÊÈ.

Phonetic parameters of letters in the table are not detailed, as there can be realized more significant linguistic analysis of Slavonic languages which have been put in the basis of alphabetic system of Cyrillic azbuka, that I cannot do, as I am not an expert in the field of scientific linguistics.
And also philosophical categories of letters or otherwise to tell mystical values of words in the table are prospective. As names of letters can be interpreted differently according to ambiguous or unknown semantic meanings in a context of forgotten old Slavonic languages.
However if to consider prospective philosophical categories or mystical values in the table then sacral esoteric sense of Cyrillic azbuka or metalinguistic formula of Slavic alphabet is expressed in the next statement.

sacral formula of letters in Slavic alphabet of Cyril and Methodius

1 Everyone letters know and speak kindness.
Åveryone ênow letters and speak kindness if to read according with rules of English language.
2 With conscience live in the consent (much) on the Earth.
3 Truly, how people think - that their peace is.
4 Speak the word reliably with understanding of belief to the Spirit, Heavenly Father and Son.
5 The worm, which is spiritualized (winged), is innermost and sacred.
6 Majestic human name is if righteous Soul is entire.
7 Spoken words are true eternally.

Words of 1st-5th lines are interpretation of names of Slavic letters.
Words of 6th line correspond to letters from 33rd to 39th, and interpretation is hypothesis.
Words of 7th line correspond to letters from 40th up to 43rd.

It is actually possible to consider letters within the Cyrillic Slavic alphabet as elements of logic construction in which names of alphabetic symbols are interconnected as numbers in mathematical equations. Namely it is possible to interpret philosophical categories of letters as mathematical signs or logic elements which are interconnected by complex correlations of semantic senses and phonetic ratios in numerological system of alphabet. Or are interconnected by formal ratios of graphical symbols or geometrical forms by means of which letters are designated.
For example, phonetic ratio of 42nd letter ÔÈÒÀ with ÔÅÐÒÚ and ÒÂÅÐÄÎ allows to interpret mystical value as derivative of words BELIEF and ASSERTION, that from view point of semantic meanings can has understanding as something TRUE or RIGHT.
Look additional information about semantic senses and phonetic correlations, and also about formal geometrical ratios of graphical symbols in the Slavic alphabet of Cyril and Methodius on pages of this website in section which has the name letters of gods.
It is necessary to tell that Chernorizets Hrabar in the book Account of Letters has written about 38 letters which have initially been used by Cyril and Methodius for creation of Slavic alphabet. But Clement of Ohrid the pupil of Cyril has added five alphabetic signs ÔÅÐÒÚ ÊÑÈ ÏÑÈ ÔÈÒÀ ÈÆÈÖÀ, and as a result in the Slavic alphabet there were 43 letters.
Namely initially 4th line of Cyrillic azbuka or metalinguistic formula in the Slavic alphabet was other, because there was no 22nd letter.

Speak the word reliably with understanding of the Spirit, Heavenly Father and Son.

Also primary in the metalinguistic formula of Slavic alphabet there was no 7tn line, because there were no letters ÊÑÈ ÏÑÈ ÔÈÒÀ ÈÆÈÖÀ. But quantity of letters in the Slavic alphabet owing to Clement of Ohrid has been coordinated with number 43 which is sacral from the view point of ancient esoteric knowledge and numerology.
Because in the ancient Slavonic languages there was no phoneme Ô, namely there were no primordial words which had sound Ô, and consequently letter ÔÅÐÒÚ was excessive from the view point of Cyril and Methodius. But this alphabetic character has been added by Clement of Ohrid for words of the Greek origin.
Also Greek letters ÊÑÈ ÏÑÈ ÔÈÒÀ ÈÆÈÖÀ were not necessary for words of Slavic language, and consequently were absent in the primary Cyrillic alphabet, but have been added by Clement of Ohrid.
Or it can be assumed that Clement of Ohrid has added letters with serial numbers 30, 34, 35, 38, 39 in primary Cyrillic alphabet.
As a result numerical quantity of lines and letters in the metalinguistic formula of Slavic alphabet has been coordinated with esoteric sacral numbers 7 and 43.
Because it is possible to assume that Cyril and Methodius, also Clement of Ohrid during creation of the Slavic alphabet considered sacral numbers which were known in the context of ancient esoteric knowledge and numerology. Because mathematical sum of Slavic and Greek letters 43+27=70 is equal to quantity of playing elements in the set of square dominoes with four-digit combinations of ciphers from 0 to 3, that corresponds with geometrical matrixes of numbers which conform to levels of step pyramids of ancient Egypt and Mayan civilization in Central America, that is written on pages of other website www.dominoopen.64g.ru.
Also it is necessary to tell that except for Cyrillic azbuka there is the Slavic alphabet which has name Glagolica or Glagolitic alphabetic system which consists of 38 characters, if to not consider letters ÔÅÐÒÚ and ÄÜÆÅÐÂÜ which have been added later.
Alphabetic signs or otherwise to tell graphical symbols of Glagolitic alphabetic system are other, but correspond to letters of Cyrillic alphabet. Therefore it is possible to assume that Glagolitic alphabetic system alongside with Cyrillic azbuka has been created by Cyril and Methodius but with other graphical symbols which were not similar to letters of Greek alphabet, and are similar to Scythian ornaments or patterns of any knot writing.
Namely it is possible to assume that letters of Glagolitic alphabetic system are symbolical images of the nodular letter which was known to Slavs. Or it is possible to assume, that letters of Glagolitic alphabetic system are symbolical images of Scythian ornaments which Cyril could see when made ambassadorial mission and lived in Tauric Chersonese on territory of Crimean peninsula where there are artifacts of ancient Scythian civilization which preceded occurrence of Slavic people and which could possess original alphabet which has been fixed in ornaments.
Anyhow, but Cyril and Methodius, also Clement of Ohrid have created the Slavic alphabet, in which letters have been coordinated with the Greek alphabetic system and consequently were comprehensible for translation of Bible into Slavonic languages.
The alphabet of Ancient Greece was "cradle" in which contemporary European civilization has arisen, if to consider that Greek language is a basis of philosophy and other sciences, also is a basic information-carrying medium for astrology and numerology, because Greeks or Hellenistic people accumulated knowledge of all nations. The Greek Septuagint or translation of the Bible from Aramaic into language of Ancient Greece has been executed on 2 century BC in Alexandria Egyptian, and consequently Greeks or Hellens knew the biblical Scripture before birth date of the Christ. Apostles spoke and Gospels have been written by language of Ancient Greece. Also Coptic texts of Gnostic Christianity have been written by means of Greek alphabet which was adapted for the Egyptian language. Therefore Cyril and Methodius have coordinated Slavic and Greek letters for translation of the Bible into languages of Slavs.
Slavonic nations before creation of Cyrillic alphabet used "carving strokes" as written signs, that is similar to runes or runic characters. Also Slavonic nations could apply a knitted writing, as quipu or khipu or talking knots in the region of Andean South America, that was unacceptable for translation of the Bible into languages of Slavs. But Cyril and Methodius, also Clement of Ohrid has created the alphabet which is the sacral azbuka or otherwise to tell a sacred complex of written signs which form the metalinguistic formula which is commensurable with the Greek alphabetic system and can be used in words of the Bible.
Look information about carving strokes and traits, or otherwise to tell about symbols of Slavic runes and ancient writing of Scythians on pages of this website in section which has the name signs on gods.


Following page results information about esoteric sacral azbuka and metalinguistic formula of contemporary Russian alphabet.

Also on following pages in this section of website look information about metalinguistic azbuka and gematria of words, mathematical and numerological systems of letters in English alphabet, ratio of speech sounds and mantic qualities of alphabetic characters, complex structure of languages and method of calculations in numerology.
