numerology of ancient alphabets

alphabetic systems

characters of Cyrillic azbuka
contemporary Russian alphabet

Page 3.

esoteric meanings of words
alphabetic colors of rainbow
casual combinations of letters
numerological numbers of sounds
phonemes of English language
cards of Tarot and numerology


numbers and letters of ancient alphabets


Numerology of letters in ancient alphabets.
The third page results mathematical and numerological systems of some ancient and modern alphabets, namely tables according to which alphabetic letters correspond with numbers in a context of numerology.

Information of this webpage can interest astrologers and numerologists, and also people who study the secret doctrine of Cabbala or Kabala, also who use fortunetelling or playing cards of Tarot deck for predictions or divinations. Because coordination of 22 letters or mystical symbols of Cabbalistic or Kabalistic alphabetic system and major Arcana of Tarot fortunetelling cards with astrological planets on pages of occult books and esoteric literature are doubtful from the view point of numerical laws of mathematics and logical principles of numerology.


Mathematics and numerology of alphabetic systems.
Numerological numbers and letters of ancient alphabets.

Letters of alphabets from the view point of linguistics are designations of phonemes which are caused by articulation and possess acoustic parameters, namely alphabetic characters form phonetic range of sounds which can be said or told by means of physiological speech organs. In essence acoustic phonemes of human speech are sound waves from the view point of physics, and consequently possess physical characteristics which submit to laws of mathematics as any natural phenomena are subordinated to universal mathematical laws.
Hence, letters or characters of alphabets can be considered not only as linguistic symbols but also as mathematical signs which designate sound waves. Actually letters of alphabets can be considered as symbols of physical phenomena which possess mathematical sizes, and also correspond with numbers in numerology. Or otherwise to tell correspond with numerical sizes which mean universal principles and global laws according to which global space of the world validity is organized.
Quantities of letters in different alphabets are not equal. But in any case alphabetic systems can be considered as sets of written signs which designate sounding of acoustic waves and physical parameters of human speech sounds, that allows to correlate letters to numbers in numerology or otherwise to tell with nominal symbols of sacral mathematics of world space. Though different alphabetic systems are necessary for correlating to different mathematical scales of notation which from the view point of numerology mean different ratios of numbers with global laws of universe, as each alphabet possesses own individual order or set of letters.
Slavic alphabet of Cyril and Methodius has 43 letters, that is unique and sacral number as if to sum 43 and 21 or quantities of alphabetic signs in Cyrillic and primary Latin alphabets then will be 43+21=64, that is equal to quantity of hexagrams in the ancient Chinese canon of changes i-jing which too is sign system of symbols having esoteric connection with global structures of world space.
Look detail information on letters of Latin alphabet further on this page, also look data on the sacral sum 21+43=64 and hexagrams of the ancient Chinese canon of changes i-jing on pages of other website:
The sacral sum 21+43=64 is very interesting from the view point of linguistics and numerology, as there is an opinion that hexagrams in the Chinese Book of Changes i-jing are symbols of very ancient or unknown esoteric alphabet, and in essence are alphabetic numerical system.
Also pay attention that number 21 corresponds with quantity of playing tiles of the Chinese dominoes, short of repeating digital combinations. As game set of the Chinese dominoes develop of 21 basic combinations of digits from 1 to 5, and eleven additional playing tiles with digital combinations which are repeating for some basic, namely 21+11=32.
Besides pay attention to the sums 21+21+1=43 and 21+11+11=43 at which too there are sacral numbers, and in particular number 11 which is establishing for ancient Phoenician writing which has 22 characters (11+11=22), and also for contemporary Russian alphabetic system which has 33 letters (11+11+11=33).
And also pay attention that sacral number 11 is astronomical duration of chronological cycles of solar activity.

It is impossible to assert that Cyril and Methodius were guided by sacral numbers and esoteric knowledge about numerological laws of world space during creation of Slavic alphabet, but nevertheless they have as a result unique quantity of letters.
It is possible to assume that Cyril and Methodius calculated letters not only according to sounds of speech in Slavonic languages, but also they considered the calendar period which called as Septuagesima and now is known in Catholic liturgy, and consequently the number of letters in Slavic alphabetic system has been established sacral. Namely Septuagesima is the ninth Sunday before Easter or the third Sunday before the beginning of Great Lent. Total three weeks or 3x7=21 days up to the Great Lent and six weeks or 6x7=42 days of the Great Lent in the sum have duration 21+42=63. If to consider one day of Easter then calendar period from Septuagesima till Easter includes 63+1=64 days, that is equal to number of hexagrams in the ancient Chinese canon of changes i-jing.
Hence, Cyril and Methodius have compared letters of Slavic alphabet to six weeks of the Great Lent and one day of Easter (42+1=43). And three weeks from Septuagesima up to the Great Lent (3x7=21) they have compared with Latin alphabetic system, that has proved numerological coordination of Latin and Slavic alphabets, and also validity of translation of the Bible on languages of Slavs.
Now the liturgical periods of Orthodox and Catholic churches differ. Because liturgical Easter period proceeds 70 days in orthodox Church, namely 3 weeks before the beginning and 6 weeks of the Great Lent, and plus Holy Week, but during creation of Slavic alphabet in the ninth century of new era there were no distinctions between Orthodox and Catholic Churchs.
Besides sacral number 43 corresponds with the calendar period which consists of six weeks (6x7=42+1=43), that corresponds with time from Great Friday or Jesus Christ's Crucifixion till Ascension Day (40 days after Easter Resurrection). Namely 3 days before and 40 days after Easter Resurrection till Ascension Day, and in aggregate sacral number 43.

Now in the Latin alphabet there are 26 letters: A B C D E F G H I J K L M N O P Q R S T U V W X Y Z, but original or initial alphabetic system had 21 characters: A B C D E F Z H I K L M N O P Q R S T V X.
Letter Z was excluded on 312 BC but then in 1st century BC was added together with Y for records of the Greek origin words.
Letter G was added on 234 BC.
Letters J and U were added in the sixteenth century AD.
And also contemporary Latin alphabetic system has letter W which is necessary for German and English languages.
If to consider that Cyril and Methodius created Slavic alphabetic system on 9 century of  new era then Latin alphabet at that time had 23 letters: A B C D E F G H I K L M N O P Q R S T V X Y Z among which 21 were own or otherwise to tell original, and two Y and Z were necessary for records of Greek origin words. Therefore Cyril and Methodius considered 21 Latin letters during linguistic coordination with the created Slavic alphabet, and did not consider two Greek alphabetic characters. Namely Latin alphabet occurs from alphabetic system of the Ancient Greece and consequently two Greek letters were not considered as Latin.
The Greek alphabet is basic or establishing for Latin and Cyrillic alphabetic systems, and is derivative from the ancient Phoenician writing which can be seen in the table.

ancient Phoenician writing and numerical values of letters in numerology

The table shows graphic symbols and names of 22 Phoenician letters, and also numerical values which correspond to ancient duodecimal system of mathematical notation which differ from contemporary scale of decimal numbers. Namely signs X and Y designate duodecimal ciphers which are absent in modern decimal mathematical scale, and also absent in classical numerology of nine numbers.
It is possible to assume that in ancient Phoenicia there was duodecimal notation and numerology in which there were eleven numbers, namely 22 letters was not only alphabetic signs but also numerical symbols. Top horizontal row of 11 letters in the table designated duodecimal digital units, and bottom row designated dozens which differ from units by zeros, though zero as graphical sign in ancient numerical systems was absent as numbers had writing by letters.
Now we know nothing about ancient Phoenician scale of mathematical notation. But there are bases to assume that in the ancient world there were systems of calculations in which there were 11 numbers as Phoenician writing has 22 letters. Namely as actual in contemporary mathematics and numerology we have decimal numerical system (nine ciphers and zero) which is indirectly connected with quantity of fingers on human hands, and in essence corresponds with quantity of cells in the magic square which has three verticals and horizontals, namely 3õ3=9. But however there are facts which specify existence of duodecimal (eleven ciphers and zero) mathematical scale.
All letters of Phoenician writing are consonants, but ALETH and AIN can designate vowel sounds of speech.
Greeks adopted Phoenician writing, but have added letters for vowel phonemes which are necessary for Greek language. And also Greeks have compared alphabetic symbols with decimal numerical notation, that is shown in the following table.
Also the table shows Slavic letters which have been compared by Cyril and Methodius to the Greek alphabetic symbols.

graphical characters in classical alphabetic matrix of the Ancient Greece


Apparently in the table, the classical alphabet of Ancient Greece includes 27 letters, that differs from contemporary Greek alphabetic system which has 24 graphical symbols. Characters DIGAMMA, QOPPA, SAMPI in the contemporary alphabetic system are absent, but they are necessary in the classical or ancient alphabet that letters could be signs of decimal scale of mathematical notation. Namely 27 letters make three groups which correspond to units from 1 to 9, tens from 10 to 90 and hundreds from 100 to 900.
Letters of Slavic alphabet in the table are compared with Greek alphabetic symbols and have similar numerical values which too form mathematical scale of decimal notation.
Now alphabetic signs do not use for mathematical calculations, but numerical values of letters have sense in numerology. As letters in words or names of people from the view point of numerology are not only alphabetic symbols but there correspond to numbers, that allows to consider not only semantic meanings of word and names, but also esoteric metalinguistic senses which are caused by mystical values of numbers.
For correct numerological calculations it is necessary to use regular or rectilinear alphabetic numerical matrixes according to which letters correspond with numbers.
One of regular and authentic is the numerical matrix of classical or ancient Greek alphabet, in which letters correspond to numbers of decimal scale of notation. As 27 letters coincide with 27 cells which are formed by 9 verticals and 3 horizontals of numerical matrix. Namely 27 alphabetic symbols correspond with nine numerological numbers on verticals, and also with three horizontals which correspond to units, tens and hundreds.
Other alphabets too require regular numerical matrixes which allow to correlate letters with numbers in numerology correctly.
If quantity of letters in any alphabet mismatches 9 verticals and 3 horizontals of decimal numerical matrix then it is possible to use other systems of mathematical notation. Or it is possible to unite letters in cells of numerical matrixes, or to correlate combinations of alphabetic symbols with numbers.
For example, 33 letters of contemporary Russian alphabet can be correlated with the matrix of decimal numbers as shown in the table.

numerical matrix of ancient alphabet and numbers of decimal scale of notation The shown table differs from the alphabetic numerical matrix which is applied in modern "popular" numerology and is widespread in the occult literature, but the expediency of application of this or that systems of calculation remains on your discretion.
Look information on the "popular" numerical matrix for characters of Russian and English alphabets on pages of other website.

Look logical principles and linguistic rules for arrangements of Russian letters in the shown alphabetic-numerical matrix on parallel Russian page of this website.
Actually it is necessary to consider ratio of letters with acoustic parameters of speech sounds that alphabetic symbols could be correctly correlated with numerical sizes which mean universal physical and mathematical laws according to which the world space is organized. And the shown table is only prospective comparison of contemporary Russian alphabetic system with numerological decimal matrix of mathematical notation.
Similarly letters of other languages and alphabets can be compared with decimal matrix of mathematical notation if it is necessary for calculations of numerical values and analysis of metalinguistic senses of words or human names in the context of numerology.
For example, combination of letters SH in the context of English language can be included in order of alphabetic symbols and can be compared to the Slavic character Ø. As a result 26 English characters and combination of letters SH can be compared to 27 cells of alphabetic matrix which corresponds with numbers of decimal scale of mathematical notation.
The English alphabet is derivative from ancient Latin alphabetic system in which designations of numbers or otherwise to tell Roman ciphers are only some letters, namely IVXLCDM. But it is possible to correlate Latin letters and combinations of graphical characters with alphabetic matrix of decimal numbers for calculations of numerical meanings of words and names in numerology.
Or 21 letters of the primary Latin alphabet can be correlated with numerical matrix which is formed by numbers of octal system of mathematical notation, that is shown in the following table.

symbols of primary Latin alphabet and numbers with planets in astrology The shown matrix has seven verticals which correspond to numbers from 1 to 7, and also three horizontals which correspond to extensions or powers of numbers, or otherwise to tell with units, tens and hundreds.
Tens and hundreds in the context of octal scale of mathematical notation have no special names.
Seven numbers of octal notation in the shown matrix are compared to symbols of planets which correspond with seven days of week in the context of astrology.
In essence the octal scale of mathematical notation and also 21 letters of the primary Latin alphabet can be considered as astrological system, as numbers and alphabetic symbols correspond to planets in astrology.


Besides this table shows 22 graphical characters of the Jewish alphabetic system, and also names and numerical values according to which Hebrew letters form so-called Kabalistic or Cabbalistic alphabet.
Numerical values of Jewish or Hebrew letters correspond with decimal scale of mathematical notation, but are located within numerical matrix of octal system of calculations, that allows to see logical contradictions or otherwise to tell discords of numbers. And also it allows to see absence of regular and correct ratio of Jewish alphabetic system with symbols of astrological planets which in essence are identical to seven numbers of octal scale of notation, and consequently we can consider relations of Kabalistic or Cabbalistic alphabet with planets as doubtful.
Namely in the occult doctrine of Cabbala or Kabala it is possible to find coordination of 22 Cabbalistic letters with planets in astrology. And also it is possible to find coordination of 22 major Arcana of Tarot fortunetelling cards in the occult literature with Cabbalistic letters and astrological planets, but it is not correct from the view point of astrology and numerology. As in the shown numerical alphabetic matrix it is possible to see that letters of Cabbalistic alphabet, and also major Arcana of fortunetelling cards of Tarot mystical system do not possess regular and correct ratio with octal numbers, and in essence cannot be placed in 21 cell of the shown numerical matrix, and consequently cannot be compared to astrological planets.
Actually 22 letters of the Jewish or Hebrew alphabet are derivatives from alphabetic symbols of ancient Aramaic language and Phoenician writing which correspond to duodecimal scale of notation, and consequently ratios with decimal or octal numbers are doubtful from the view point of numerology.
There is information that in an antiquity there was ancient Hebrew alphabet having 27 graphical signs which can be correlated with numerical matrix of the Greek alphabetic system, and as a result Jewish letters can be coordinated with nine decimal numbers of classical numerology. But 22 graphical characters of contemporary Jewish alphabet, and also alphabetic symbols of Cabbala are necessary for correlation with numbers of duodecimal mathematical notation.
And also 33 letters of contemporary Russian alphabet are necessary for correlating to numbers of duodecimal scale of mathematical notation, because ratio with decimal numerical signs are doubtful from the view point of numerology.
To operate with duodecimal scale it is necessary to add two additional ciphers or figures to natural numbers from 1 to 9, that is unusual for mathematics and numerology, but is essential from the view point of global mathematical laws according to which construction of the world space and validity is organized. As according to 11 numbers of duodecimal scale it is possible to see numerical laws and esoteric mystical rules which can not be taken into consideration in the classical decimal mathematics and numerology.
Now in the USA and in the Great Britain there is a duodecimal society. Namely The Dozenal Society of America or Great Britain which use Roman symbol X for designation of tenth cipher, also upside-down turned and mirror reflected symbol of decimal number 3 for eleventh cipher, that actually corresponds to graphical forms of letters TAV and SHIN of ancient Phoenician writing. But also for recording of duodecimal numbers it is possible to use letters of contemporary Russian alphabet. Or it is possible to use graphical symbols which are shown on pages of other my website

Following page shows duodecimal numerological system of contemporary Russian alphabet, and also gematria or geometry of words and names in numerology. Namely next page shows figurative geometry of words.

Also on nine pages in this section of website look information about characters of Cyrillic azbuka and contemporary Russian alphabet, esoteric meanings of words and human names, alphabetic colors of rainbow and casual combinations of letters, numerological numbers of sounds and phonemes of English language, fortunetelling cards of Tarot and numerology.
