geometry and phonetic values of letters

Phoenician writing and alphabets

Page 2.


numerology and numerical values of Slavic letters


Numerology and numerical values of Slavic letters.
The second page compares symbols of Phoenician writing with alphabetic signs in derivative alphabets of Aramaic and Jewish languages, also with phonetic values of letters in contemporary Hebrew. Besides second page shows ratio of Phoenician writing signs with alphabetic system of Ancient Greece and some letters in the Slavic alphabet of Cyril and Methodius.

Information of this page can be interesting not only for scientific linguists but also for people who are interested in occult philosophy and esoteric knowledge, and in particular who study mystical concepts of Cabbala or numerology of fortunetelling cards Tarot. Because the shown circular matrix of 22 symbols of Phoenician writing corresponds with letters or mystical signs of cabbalistic alphabet, and also with number of major arcanas in the deck of fortunetelling cards Tarot.


Matrix of Phoenician writing and derivative alphabets.
Numerical and sound phonetic values of letters.

Phoenician writing is a source not only Greek both Latin alphabets, and derivative alphabetic systems of Slavic and West-European languages. But also Phoenician writing is a basis of alphabetic systems in ancient Jewish and Aramaic languages which form foundation of contemporary Hebrew.
It is possible to tell that Phoenician writing is a prototype of all alphabets of mankind, or otherwise to tell is display of general and universal alphabetic system of uniform language which existed before division of nations. And in essence it is possible to tell that 22 symbols of Phoenician writing correspond to numbers of duodecimal scale of mathematical notation which form universal circular matrix according to which sounds of speech form alphabets of different languages of human civilization.
Hence, it is possible to correlate letters of derivative alphabets to symbols of Phoenician writing, and as a result it is possible to see geometrical ratios according to which alphabetic characters of different languages are connected with numerical axes and circles of universal circular matrix.
But it is necessary to consider that phonetic values of symbols in Phoenician writing are unknown, and graphical characters partially differ from derivative alphabetic systems, and also names or denominations of letters not always are identical. But however it is possible to compare letters of derivative alphabets to symbols of Phoenician writing, and as a result it is possible to see ratios with numbers of duodecimal system of mathematical notation which was a basis of mathematics and numerology of ancient civilizations.
For example, letters of contemporary Hebrew alphabet correspond with numerical axes and circles of circular matrix as shown in charts.
Contemporary Hebrew is derivatives from ancient Aramaic and Jewish languages, and also has quantity of letters equal to number of symbols in Phoenician writing, and consequently it is taken as an example, but also it is possible to consider ratios of any other alphabets with the shown circular matrix.

ancient Aramaic and Jewish languages with symbols in Phoenician writing duodecimal notation or mathematics and numerology of ancient civilizations


Dark font shows names of letters in contemporary Hebrew alphabet, and red font specifies phonetic values.
Names of similar letters of Phoenician writing look on the chart on previous page.
Letters alef and ayin in Hebrew designate vowel sounds, and consequently do not possess phonetic values, namely soundings of these alphabetic symbols are absent during pronunciation of words.
Letters yord and he are consonants, but can designate vowel sounds.
Letters tet and tav have identical sound values.
Letters bet and vav too are conformable.
Letters het, qoth, kaf, he are conformable and form in structure of circular matrix one geometrical figure which is symmetric concerning eighth numerical axis, that is shown by yellow color on the right chart.
Letters zayin, tsadi, shin, samekh too are conformable and form geometrical figure which is symmetric concerning seventh numerical axis, that is shown by green color on the right chart.
If to change places of letters yord and tet then there is one more symmetric figure in which vowel letters alef, ayin, yord, he are incorporated.
The shown geometrical figures, which are symmetric concerning seventh and eighth numerical axes, testify spatial ratios of letters, and also phonetic laws which organize order of letters within universal circular matrix of human speech sounds and uniform language which existed before division of human civilization into separate nations.
These spatial ratios and phonetic laws are very interesting, as they allow to see not only core of metalinguistic rules, which are included in alphabets and languages of mankind, but also allow to understand mystical senses and numerical proportions according to which letters and sounds of speech are connected with numbers of duodecimal scale of mathematical notation, and in essence are connected with esoteric principles of ancient duodecimal numerology.
Look detail information on mystical senses and numerical proportions, and also on geometrical figures and spatial ratios of letters on following pages in this section of website.
Except for Hebrew and Aramaic alphabets from Phoenician writing there is origin of Greek alphabetic system which is a basis of Cyrillic characters. Therefore letters of the Slavic alphabet of Cyril and Methodius too form spatial ratios with symbols of Phoenician writing, that is shown on the following chart.

spatial ratios of Cyrillic characters with symbols of Phoenician writing Names or denominations of Phoenician and Cyrillic alphabetic symbols are designated by dark font, and red font specifies letters of contemporary Russian alphabet.
Slavic letters are compared to Phoenician alphabetic symbols according to numerical values, and consequently order of characters differs from sequence in the alphabet. For example, letter ÔÈÒÀ means number 9 but has serial number 42 in the alphabet, and consequently this character compared to the ninth numerical axis between ÈÆÅÈ and ÈÆÅ.
Numerical values of Cyrillic letters are shown by blue digits which correspond to numbers of decimal system of mathematical notation.
Dark digits correspond with axes of circular matrix and correspond to numbers of duodecimal notation, or otherwise to tell numerical values of letters in the context of duodecimal numerology.
Look information on sequence of letters in the Cyrillic or Slavic alphabet on pages of this website in other section which has the name: metalinguistics.


Alef - ÀÇ - À.
The letter ÁÎÓÊÈ has no numerical value in the Cyrillic alphabet and consequently does not correspond with Phoenician characters in the shown circular matrix.
Bet - ÂÅÄÈ - Â.
Gimel - ÃËÀÃÎËÈ - Ã.
Dalet - ÄÎÁÐÎ - Ä.
He - ÅÑÒÜ - Å.
The letter ÆÈÂÈÒÅ has no numerical value in the Cyrillic alphabet and consequently does not correspond with Phoenician writing.
Vav - ÇÅËÎ. This letter has no similarity in contemporary Russian alphabet.
Zayin - ÇÅÌËß - Ç.
Het - ÈÆÅÈ - È.
Thet - ÔÈÒÀ - no similarity in contemporary Russian alphabet.
Yord - ÈÆÅ - É.
Kaf - ÊÀÊÎ - Ê.
Lamed - ËÞÄÈ - Ë.
Mem - ÌÛÑËÈÒÅ - Ì.
Nun - ÍÀØ - Í.
Samekh - ÊÑÈ - no similarity in contemporary Russian alphabet.
Ayin - ÎÍ - Î.
Pe - ÏÎÊÎÉ - Ï.
Parities of other letters of Cyrillic alphabet with symbols of Phoenician writing are obvious according to ratio of Greek and Phoenician characters, that is shown on the following chart.

ratio of Greek and Phoenician characters with letters of Cyrillic alphabet Dark font shows names of Phoenician and Greek letters. And also dark font specifies graphical symbols of Greek letters.
Parities of the Greek and Phoenician letters the following: alef-alpha, bet-beta, gimel-gamma, dalet-delta, he-epsilon, vav-digamma, zayin-zeta, het-eta, thet-theta, yord-iota, kaf-kappa, lamed-lambda, mem-mu, nun-nu, samekh-xi, ayin-omicron, pe-pi, qoph-qoppa, resh-rho, shin-sigma, tav-tau.
Four letters of Cyrillic alphabet are separately shown.
Blue digits show numerical values of Cyrillic letters in the context of decimal system of mathematical notation and decimal numerology.

Phoenician letter tsadi (san) can be compared with Greek sampi and Cyrillic ÖÈ which have numerical value 900. And accordingly it is possible to consider similarity with letter Ö of contemporary Russian alphabet.
Greek qoppa and Phoenician qoph - ×ÅÐÂÜ - ×.
Greek rho - Phoenician resh - ÐÖÛ - Ð.
Greek sigma - Phoenician shin - ÑËÎÂÎ - Ñ.
Also there can be similarity with letter Ø which is conformable for Ñ.
Greek tau - Phoenician tav - ÒÂÅÐÄÎ - Ò.
According to the shown charts it is possible to see that sequences of letters in derivative alphabets have inexact correlations with order of initial alphabetic symbols of Phoenician writing, but however it is possible to see general phonetic laws and geometrical ratios. And in essence it is possible to assume that there should be uniform circular matrix according to which letters and sounds of speech form universal alphabet of human civilization, and also according to which alphabetic characters of human languages correspond with numbers of duodecimal numerology.

Following page compares letters of Latin alphabet with Greek and Phoenician alphabetic symbols, and also with circular matrix which allows to calculate numerical values in the context of duodecimal numerology.

Or in this part of website look information about systems of West-European languages and mystical senses of human names, spatial interrelations of philosophical categories and chronological periods of lunar astronomical cycle, days of week and seven-year periods, divine pantheon of gods or deities and archeological artifacts, calendars of civilization Maya and ancient Egypt.
