According to letters or runes of various alphabets or systems of runic
writings in circular numerological matrixes it is possible to analyze not only
ratios of geometrical figures which are formed by names of gods or people, that
allows to speak about mystical interrelations of divine entities in hierarchies
and pantheons of various myths of human civilization, or allows to speak about
psychical correlations of human families and surnames. But also it is possible
to analyze features of mythological gods or characteristics of people according
to ratios of alphabetic letters or runes in names with circles and numerical
axes of numerological matrixes. As actually numerical axes and circles are
esoteric symbols of spatial projections of physical and metaphysical phenomena
of world reality.
In particular the previous page shows ratio of eight numerical axes of circular
numerological matrix of Germanic runes or characters of the Elder Futhark with
parts of geographic orientation and astronomical phases of the moon, and also
four seasons and cardinal points of solar calendar circle, that allows to
correlate mystical features of gods and psychic characteristics of people to
qualities or parameters of these phenomena of world reality or validity.
For example, the name of Greek Zeus corresponds with 3rd and 7th numerical axes
which correspond to south and north geographic orientations, halves of growing
and decreasing moon, and also summer and winter solstice, that is possible to
see on charts on the previous online page. It means that mystical features of
mythological Zeus have contrast qualities of south and north geographic
orientations, opposite parameters of growing and decreasing moon, and also
contradictory characteristics of summer and winter.
Or the name of Greek Hera corresponds with 1st and 5th numerical axes which
correspond to east and west geographic direction, astronomical phases of new and
full moon, and also calendar days of spring and autumn equinoxes, that means
correlations of contrast qualities and opposite parameters of these phenomena of
world reality in mystical features of this goddess in myths of ancient Greece.
Namely according to ratio of runic signs in names of Zeus and Hera with
different numerical axes of numerological matrix of the Elder Futhark and with
various phenomena of world reality can be spoken about contrast qualities and
disharmonious interrelations of these gods in the pantheon of Greek mythology.
Except for geographic parts of world orientation and astronomical phases of the
moon, or seasons and cardinal points of solar chronological circles, it is
possible to correlate eight numerical axes and three circles of geometrical
matrix of 24 Germanic runes of the Elder Futhark to many other physical and
metaphysical phenomena of universe, that is shown on the chart.
Circular matrix of 24 Germanic runes of the Elder Futhark on the chart is shown in the form of rectangular table, namely 8 verticals correspond to eight numerical axes, and 3 horizontals correspond to three circles or aettirs of runic order. |
Eight verticals of the table can be compared with qualities and meanings of eight trigrams Ba Gua of the Chinese canon of changes i-ching.
1 - KAN - abysmal - dangerous - water flow or river - middle son - east.
2 - GEN - keeping still - resting or stand-still - mountain - younger son - southeast.
3 - KUN - receptive - devoted or yielding - earth or ground - mother - south.
4 - DUI - joyous - pleasure - lake or marsh - younger daughter - southwest.
5 - LI - clinging - light-giving or dependence - flame - middle daughter - west.
6 - XUN - gentle - penetrating - tree or wind - elder daughter - northwest.
7 - QIAN - creative - strong - sky or heaven - father - north.
8 - ZHEN - arousing - inciting or movement - thunder - elder son - northeast.
Or eight verticals of the table and numerical axes of the runic order of the
Elder Futhark can be compared with winds of the Greek mythology and types of
temperament, also with names of four dwarfs who hold four parts of heavenly arch
as guards of Yggdrasil in the context of Scandinavian Norse myths.
1 - east - dry - thirsty east wind EURUS - dwarf AUSTRI.
2 - southeast - fire elements - choleric temperament.
3 - south - warm - hot southern wind NOTUS - dwarf SUDRI.
4 - southwest - air elements - sanguine temperament.
5 - west - damp - wet western wind ZEPHYRUS - dwarf VESTRI.
6 - northwest - water elements - melancholic temperament.
7 - north - cold - cool northern wind BOREAS - dwarf NORDRI.
8 - northeast - ground elements - phlegmatic temperament.
Four types of temperament and elements possess the mixed qualities.
Choleric nature and elements of fire - dry and warm - dwarfs AUSTRI and SUDRI.
Sanguine nature and elements of air - warm and damp - dwarfs SUDRI and VESTRI.
Melancholic nature and elements of water - damp and cold - dwarfs VESTRI and NORDRI.
Phlegmatic nature and elements of ground - cold and dry - dwarfs NORDRI and AUSTRI.
According to ratio of runes in names with the listed qualities of world elements,
and also with meanings of eight trigrams Ba Gua of the Chinese canon i-ching it
is possible to speak about characteristics of gods or people, that is possible
to consider in occult divinations.
And also in occult divinations it is possible to consider ratio of runic signs
in names of gods or people with three circles of numerological matrix of the
Elder Futhark. Namely with three runic aettirs which from the view point of
modern occult researchers of ancient esoteric knowledge correspond with
denominations of three Scandinavian or Norse gods who are FREYR and HEIMDAL and
TYR according to names of first runes in aettirs.
First aettir - rune FEHU - FREYR.
Second aettir - rune HAGALAZ - HEIMDAL.
Third aettir - rune TIWAZ - TYR.
Characteristics of these gods are described in the Icelandic Eddas, but in
essence the information is insufficient for high-grade understanding of
mythological features and qualities of these three deities of Norse mythology.
And consequently it is possible to correlate three aettirs of runic order of the
Elder Futhark to divine triads of Roman mythology which has much more historical
and archeological information.
FREYR and HEIMDAL and TYR in Norse myths of Icelandic Eddas are connected with
different divine hierarchies which can be compared to heavenly, atmospheric and
terrestrial deities in the context of Vedic mythologies, and also can be
correlated to mental, astral and physical spheres of world validity or reality
from the view point of modern mystical philosophy of occultism and theosophy.
But in occult divinations it is better to compare three aettirs of runic
alphabetic signs of the Elder Futhark with divine triads of Roman mythological system.
Capitoline triad of Roman mythology.
1 - JUPITER - functions of social management.
2 - MINERVA - functions of education and enlightenment.
3 - JUNO - financial and economic functions.
Archaic triad of ancient Rome.
1 - JUPITER - deity of ruling estate and elite sections of population.
2 - MARS - deity of military estate and civil servants.
3 - QUIRINUS - deity of commercial and working classes of society.
Plebeian triad of ancient Roman myths.
1 - LIBER - official culture and classical art.
2 - CERES - informal culture and independent art.
3 - LIBERA - masscult or popular culture and folk art.
Thus during occult divinations everyone rune can be correlated to hierarchical
qualities of Roman gods and mantic meanings of eight trigrams Ba Gua of the
Chinese canon i-ching, or points of geographic orientation and seasons, or
astronomical lunar phases and types of temperament, and also many other physical
and metaphysical phenomena which correspond to 3 circles and 8 numerical axes of
the numerological matrix of 24 Germanic runes of the Elder Futhark.
For example, rune HAGALAZ corresponds with first numerical axis and second
circle, that has following values.
Coordinates of space and time: east - spring equinox - new moon - dryness.
Meaning of trigram Ba Gua: abysmal - dangerous - water flow or river - middle son.
Hierarchical features of gods: social functions of education and
enlightenment - military estate and civil servants - informal culture and independent art.
As a result it is possible to consider runes as mantic system of esoteric
symbols which were used by ancient civilizations as magic amulets, and also were
applied for fortune-telling and divination and also for throwing lots. And in
essence it is possible to realize semantic meanings of runic signs from the view
point of philosophical and mystical concepts which are connected with
geometrical coordinates of world space and time, or with hierarchical structures
of human society and social functions of people, and also with qualities of
eight trigrams Ba Gua of the Chinese canon i-ching which too is mantic system
ancient of esoteric symbols of mystical oracle.
Such way for understanding of semantic meanings or mantic values of 24 runes of
the Elder Futhark differs from modern interpretations which are applied in
occult divinations by means of popular oracles. As in essence modern
interpretations of Germanic runes are not original, but are ideas of
contemporary researchers and authors of occult literature.
And also names or titles of runes are not original and authentic. Because there
are no archeological artifacts with runic inscriptions which have names of runes.
Archeology and history know denominations of Anglo-Saxon and Danish runes which
have similar graphic symbols and phonetic values, but original names of ancient
Germanic runic signs of the Elder Futhark are unknown.
Namely contemporary researchers have compared Germanic runes with denominations
or titles of Anglo-Saxon and Danish runic signs of English Futhork and Younger
Futhark, but actually original elder names are unknown.
It is possible to assume that denominations of Anglo-Saxon and Danish runes have
been copied from names of Elder Futhark. And in essence it is possible to assume
that founders of Anglo-Saxon and Danish runic alphabets knew ancient names of
Germanic runes of the Elder Futhark, but such assumption is not doubtless.
And also it is possible to assume that original names of Germanic runes are
formed by symmetric geometrical figures in space of circular numerological
matrixes which are shown on the chart.
If to consider that original names of elder Germanic runes are formed by symmetric geometrical figures in the shown numerological matrixes which have six or four numerical axes and four or six circles, then it is possible to reconstruct phonetic values and lexical meanings, and in essence metalinguistic azbuka of ancient runic alphabet, as shown in the table.
Runic signs and names of Elder Futharc. |
Anglo-Saxon names and lexical meanings. |
Danish names and meanings. |
Symmetry of left matrix. |
Symmetry of right matrix. |
01 F - FEHU | FEOH wealth |
FE wealth |
F-E-H-I | F-E-H-I F-E-H-O |
02 U - URUZ | UR aurochs |
UR iron or rain |
U-R-U-S-U-Z | U-R-A-Z |
03 TH - THURISAZ | THORN thorn |
THURS giant |
TH-U-R-U-S-A-Z T-U-R-I-Z-Æ-Z |
TH-U-R-I-Z-A-Z T-U-R-I-Z-A-Z |
04 A - ANSUZ | OS asir |
AS --- |
A-N-S-Æ-S | A-N-S-Æ-Z Æ-N-S-U-Z |
05 R - RAIDU | RAD ride |
REIDH ride |
R-Æ-TH-O R-A-I-G-H-U |
06 K - KAUNA | CEN torch |
KAUN ulcer |
K-A-U-N-J-A | K-A-U-N-A K-A-U-N-J-A |
07 G - GEBU | GYFU gift |
G-E-B-I-O G-Æ-F-A |
G-Æ-R-B-A-Z G-A-F-U |
08 W - WUNJU | WYNN joy |
W-U-N-J-U W-U-N-J-O |
W-U-N-J-U W-U-N-J-A |
09 H - HAGALAZ | HÆGL hail |
HAGALL hail |
H-A-I-G-A-L-O-S H-E-I-G-A-L-O-S H-E-I-M-D-A-L-O-S |
H-Æ-G-E-I-L-O-Z H-Æ-D-A-I-L-O-Z |
10 N - NAUDIZ | NYD need or distress |
NAUDHR need |
N-A-U-D-J-W-Z N-A-E-TH-R |
N-A-U-D-H-I-S N-A-U-T-J-O-Z |
11 I - ISAZ | IS ice |
ISS ice |
I-S-A-H Æ-S-A-S |
I-S-A-H Æ-S-A-Z |
12 J - JARA | GER year or harvest |
AR plenty |
J-A-R-A-Z G-E-R-TH-A-S |
J-A-R-A-G-S G-A-R-A-S |
13 Æ - IWAZ | EOH yew |
I-W-Æ-Z E-O-H |
I-H-W-Æ-Z I-H-W-A-S |
14 P - PERTH | PEORDH --- |
P-I-O-R-T P-Æ-R-T-O-Z |
P-I-R-G-H P-I-E-T-H |
15 Z - ALGIZ | EOLH elk-sedge |
YR yew |
A-L-G-O-S E-O-L |
Æ-L-H-I-O-Z I-O-L-H |
16 S - SOWILU | SIGEL sun |
SOL sun |
S-O-W-J-E-L-A S-I-H-E-O-L S-O-L |
S-O-W-J-A-L-U Z-I-H-Æ-O-L S-O-L |
17 T - TIWAZ | TIW --- |
TYR --- |
T-I-W-Æ-Z T-Æ-W-O-Z |
T-E-W-A-S T-Æ-W-E-Z |
18 B - BERKANA | BEORC birch |
BJARKAN birch |
B-I-R-H-A-N-J-A-Z B-I-O-R-K-A-S |
B-Æ-R-G-A-N-A-Z |
19 E - EHWAZ | EH horse |
E-G-W-J-A-S E-H-W-J-I-S |
I-H-W-A-S Æ-H-W-I-S |
20 M - MANNAZ | MANN man |
MADHR man |
M-Æ-N-J-O-Z M-Æ-TH-A-R-D |
M-Æ-N-J-A-Z |
21 L - LAGUZ | LAGU lake |
LOGR liquid |
L-A-H-U-Z L-O-G-H-I-E-R |
L-A-G-U-Z L-A-G-R-U-Z L-O-G-R |
22 NG - INGWAZ | ING --- |
J-NG-W-A-S J-N-G-W-Æ-Z |
23 O - OTHILA | ETHEL estate |
O-T-H-I-L-A-Z Æ-T-H-I-L-O-Z O-TH-E-L |
O-T-H-I-E-L-A-S Æ-T-H-I-E-L-O-Z O-TH-I-E-L |
24 D - DAGAZ | DÆG day |
D-A-I-G-U-Z D-I-E-G-O-Z |
D-A-R-G D-R-U-G |
In a similar way it is possible to reconstruct names or phonetic values and
lexical meanings of runes according to symmetric geometrical figures in areas of
the shown numerological matrixes.
But it is possible to assume that original names of elder Germanic runes were
not only words of old German and Scandinavian languages, but also lexical
meanings could correspond to various dialects of Slavic people. Because
languages of people and nations of northern Europe at the time of of occurrence
of the Elder Futhark on 1-2 centuries of new era were more similar, rather than
now. And also because names of some Germanic runes correspond to words of
contemporary Russian language.
And also it is possible to assume that runic order of the Elder Futhark has been
created by apostles and first Christians. Because occurrence of runic
inscriptions of the Elder Futhark according to archeological artifacts
corresponds to 1-2 centuries of new era when there was origin of Christian
religion. Namely first Christians preached among many people of human
civilization, and consequently they could create runic order or sacral
alphabetic formula for Slavic and Germanic languages of northern Europe.
If to consider that apostles and disciples of the Christ have received gift to
speak in different languages when have conceived the Holy Spirit, then they can
enciphered mystical ratios and esoteric interrelations of supernatural phenomena
which exist in spatial areas of divine world, or otherwise to tell in
transcendental measurements of spiritual reality. Namely apostles and disciples
of the Christ could create the sacral linguistic and phonetic code according to
which names of gods and words of human speech are formed, and also according to
which there is realization of divine Logos which defines existence of life in
structure of world reality.
In particular the founder of runic order or sequential number of 24 runes of the
Elder Futhark could be apostle Andrew who preached among Slavic and Germanic
people of northern Europe.
Following page results information about ratio of runic order of the Elder Futhar with astrological circle of zodiac signs and ciphers on a dial of clock-face, and also about mystical meanings of upside-down positions of runes in occult divinations.
And also on nine pages in this part of website look information about names of Egyptian gods and divine images of heavenly Jerusalem, archeological artifacts and Scandinavian deities of Norse mythology, cardinal points of solar calendar circle and features of celestial constellations, words of Jesus Christ with apostles and disciples, occult divinations and afterlife of people in popular theosophy.