
mysteries of runic signs

alphabetic writing systems

Page 8.


mystery of celestial hierarchies for linguistics or occultism and theosophy


Mystery of divine names of celestial hierarchies.
The eighth page shows variants of circular numerological matrixes according to which letters of Cyrillic alphabet and Germanic runes of Elder Futhark form various geometrical arrangements which symbolize transformation of divine hierarchies and reorganization of world reality as a result of resurrection of Jesus Christ.

Information of this page can be interesting not only in linguistics or occultism and theosophy, but also can interest seminary students and theologians who wish to understand mystical core of esoteric knowledge about which the Christ spoke, and in essence who wish to realize sacral mystery and supernatural secrets of Christian religion.


Runes and divine space of world reality.
Matrixes of letters and Gnostic Pistis Sophia.

According to circular numerological matrixes of runic or alphabetic writing systems it is possible to correlate names of gods to physical and metaphysical phenomena of world reality, that allows to understand mystical features and characteristics of divine entities. And also according to numerological matrixes it is possible to see symmetric geometrical figures which are formed by runes and letters, that allows to consider names of gods or people as mental images of global world consciousness, and differently to tell as transcendental ideas of universal Gnosis, and also as existential essence or conceiving creation of divine Logos according to which being of a life has realization. But circular matrixes can have different parameters, namely various ratios of runic signs and alphabetic letters with numerical axes and circles.
For example, variants of circular matrixes of Germanic runes of the Elder Futhark, and also Slavic letters of the Cyrillic alphabet.

Matrixes 4x6 and 6x4 of Germanic runes.
Above three matrixes have 6 circles and 4 numerical axes.
Below three matrixes have 4 circles and 6 numerical axes.
Runic signs of two left matrixes above and below have consecutive order which correspond with circles. And in essence is consecutive order of runes is spiral, as circles are coils of geometrical spiral as it is told on pages of this website in section which has the name: letter of gods.
Sequence of runic signs in two right matrixes above and below corresponds with numerical axes. Namely sequence of runes has direction to the center on even, and from the center on not even numerical axes.
Sequence of runic signs in two central matrixes above and below is directed from the center to periphery on all numerical axes.

consecutive order of runes and circles as coils of geometrical spiral

names of gods or people as mental images of global world consciousness

Matrixes 8x3 and 3x8 of Germanic runes.
Above three matrixes have 8 circles and 3 numerical axes.
Below three matrixes have 3 circles and 8 numerical axes.
Consecutive order of runic signs in two left matrixes is spiral and corresponds with circles.
Sequence of runes in two right matrixes has direction to periphery on not even, and to the center on even numerical axes.
Sequence of runic signs in two central matrixes is directed from the center to periphery on all numerical axes.

mystical features and characteristics of divine entities

transcendental ideas of universal Gnosis and conceiving creation of divine Logos

Matrixes 7x6 and 6x7 of Cyrillic alphabet.
Above three matrixes have 6 circles and 7 numerical axes.
Below three matrixes have 7 circles and 6 numerical axes.
Alphabetic sequence of letters in two left matrixes is spiral and corresponds with circles.
Consecutive alphabetic order of letters in the right matrix above has direction to the center on not even, and to periphery on even numerical axes.
Sequence of letters in the central matrix above is directed from periphery to the center on all numerical axes.
Consecutive order of letters in the right matrix below has direction from the center on not even, and to the center on even numerical axes.
Sequence of letters in the central matrix below is directed to periphery on all numerical axes.

various ratios of runic signs and alphabetic letters with numerical axes

mantic application in modern occult divinations and popular runic oracles

In all cases the shown matrixes correspond to 24 Germanic runes of Elder Futhark or 43 Slavic letters of Cyrillic alphabet, but according to different geometrical parameters, and in essence according to various ratios of runic characters or alphabetic symbols with circles and numerical axes symbolize different spatial structures of world reality.
Letters of Cyrillic alphabet correspond to quantity of mythological gods which surround Osiris and judge souls of people in the context of Egyptian mythology, and Germanic runes can be compared with number of 24 elders which surround heavenly throne of the God in the context of Revelation to Saint John. Or with number of 25 divine tattvas in the context of Hindu mythology, if to consider that in the center of circular numerological matrix of the Elder Futhark there is empty twenty fifth rune which has mantic application in modern occult divinations and popular runic oracles. Namely letters and runes in the shown matrixes symbolize divine hierarchies of various heavenly spheres of universe.
In the Gnostic book of Pistis Sophia it is written.
"And Jesus said to his disciples: I am come forth out of that First Mystery, which is the last mystery, that is the four-and-twentieth mystery."
And also in the Revelation to Saint John it is written.
"I am the Alpha and the Omega, the beginning and the ending, says the Lord God, who is and who was and who is to come, the Almighty."
Twenty four Gnostic mysteries can be correlated to number of 24 Germanic runic signs of the Elder Futhark, because the word RUNE had semantic meanings SECRET or MYSTERY in Proto-Norse languages. And also it is possible to correlate twenty four Gnostic mysteries with letters of Greek alphabet which on the first century of new era during origin of Christian religion had 24 alphabetic characters. Namely Alpha and Omega were beginning and ending characters of the classical Greek alphabet on 1st century of new era, that differs from 27 letters of archaic alphabetic system of Ancient Greece.
Also in the Gnostic book of Pistis Sophia in 10th chapter it is written.
"It came to pass then, when the sun had risen in the east, that a great light-power came down, in which was my vesture, which I had left behind in the four-and-twentieth mystery."
"And I found a mystery in my vesture, written in five words of those from the height."
"The first mystery sent thee through us all his glory, consisting of two vestures."
"In the first is the whole glory of all names of all mysteries and all emanations of the orders of the ineffable spaces. And in the second vesture is the whole glory of names of all mysteries and all emanations which are in the orders of the two spaces of the first mystery."
"And in this vesture is the glory of the name of the mystery of the Revealer, which is the First Commandment. And names of the mystery of the five Impressions. And the name of the mystery of the great ineffable Envoy who is the great Light."
"There is further in this vesture the glory of names of the mystery of all orders of the emanations of the Treasury of the Light".
"And names of the mystery of the nine guards of the three gates of the Treasury of the Light".
"And further there is therein the whole glory of the name of the great Invisible which is the great Forefather. And the mystery of the three triple-powers and the mystery of their whole region. And the mystery of all their invisibles and of all those who are in the thirteenth æon, And names of the twelve aeons and of all their rulers and all their archangels and all their angels. And of all those who are in the twelve aeons. And the whole mystery of names of all those who are in the Fate and in all the heavens. And the whole mystery of names of all those who are in the sphere, and of its firmaments and of all who are in them, and of all their regions."

Mysteries of two vestures or garments can be compared with alphabetic systems of Slavic alphabet and Elder Futhark, as names of mythological gods form symmetric geometrical figures in circular numerological matrixes of Germanic runes and Cyrillic letters. In essence it is possible to correlate mysteries of names in the Gnostic book of Pistis Sophia to spatial arrangements of letters and runes within the shown alphabetic matrixes.
Also in the Gnostic book of Pistis Sophia in 11 chapter it is written.
"It came to pass then, when I saw the mystery of all these words in the vesture which was sent me, that straightway I clothed myself therewith, and I shone most exceedingly and soared into the height. I came before the gate of the firmament, shining most exceedingly, and there was no measure for the light which was about me. And the gates of the firmament were shaken one over against another and all opened at once. And all rulers and all authorities and all angels therein were thrown all together into agitation because of the great light which was on me. And they gazed at the radiant vesture of light with which I was clad, and they saw the mystery which contains their names, nd they feared most exceedingly. And all their bonds with which they were bound, were unloosed and every one left his order."
The alarm or fear of rulers and authorities or Archons and Angels can be correlated with circular matrixes which are designated by figure 2 or serial number 2.
Namely bonds or ties of Archons and Angels correspond with matrixes where consecutive order of letters or runes is spiral, that is designated by serial number 1. And untied or unloosed bonds correspond with matrixes where sequence of letters or runes is directed to the center or periphery on numerical axes, that is designated by serial number 2.
Also in the Gnostic book of Pistis Sophia in 16 chapter it is written.
"It came to pass then, when I came into their region, that they mutinied and fought against the light. And I took the third of their power, in order that they should not be able to accomplish their evil deeds."
"I have changed, and set them facing the left six months and accomplishing their influences. And I have set them turned another six months to the right and accomplishing their influences."

Various orientations of Archons and Angels to the left and to the right can be compared with matrixes in which sequence of runes or letters have different directions on even and not even numerical axes, that is designated by serial number 3.
Also in the Gnostic book of Pistis Sophia in 21 chapter it is written.
"If the horoscope-casters find the Fate and the sphere turned towards the left, according to their first extension, their words will come to pass, and they will say what is to take place. But if they chance on the Fate or the sphere turned to the right, they are bound to say nothing true, for I have changed their influences and their squares and their triangles and their octagons."
"In like manner also the consulters, if they invoke the names of the rulers and chance on them facing the left, will tell with accuracy all things concerning which they shall ask their decans. On the contrary, if the consulters invoke their names when they face to the right, they will not give ear unto them, because they are facing in another form compared with their former position in which Yew had established them. Seeing that other are their names when they are turned to the left and other their names when they are turned to the right."

Also in the Gnostic book of Pistis Sophia in 23 chapter it is written.
"I have changed their path for the salvation of all souls. Amen, amen, I say unto you If I had not changed their path, a host of souls would have been destroyed, and souls would have spent a long time, if rulers of aeons and of the Fate and of the sphere and of all their regions and all their heavens had not been brought to naught."
"And the completion of the number of perfect souls would have been delayed, which shall be counted in the inheritance of the Height through the mysteries, and shall be in the Treasury of the Light."

Pay attention that inheritance of height occurs through mysteries which in essence are new names of people, namely which are said by the Christ and form symmetric geometrical figures in space of the shown circular numerological matrixes, that is in detail described on the fifth page in this section of website.
Also in the Gnostic book of Pistis Sophia in 31 chapter it is written.
"And the great lion-faced light-power devoured all the light-powers in Sophia."
"And her matter was thrust into the chaos; it became a lion-faced ruler in the chaos."
"When then this befell, Sophia became very greatly exhausted."

The weakened or very greatly exhausted condition of Sophia can be compared with circular matrixes which are designated by serial number 4.
Namely the primary condition of Sophia corresponds with matrixes where consecutive order of alphabetic symbols or runic signs is spiral and is connected with circles, that is designated by serial number 6. And the weakened or chaotic condition of Sophia corresponds with matrixes where sequence of runes or letters have different directions on even and not even numerical axes, that is designated by serial number 4.
Also in the Gnostic book of Pistis Sophia in 60 chapter it is written.
"It came to pass when Pistis Sophia had uttered the thirteenth repentance, in that hour was fulfilled the commandment of all tribulations."
"For her repentance was accepted from her through the First Mystery."
"So I looked towards aeons into the height and saw that light-power which the First Mystery had sent me, that I might save Pistis Sophia out of the chaos."
"And the light-power which had come from the height through the First Mystery, came down upon the light-power which had gone out of me; and they met together and became a great stream of light."

The repentance of Sophia can be compared with circular matrixes according to which consecutive order of letters or runes on even and not even numerical axes is unidirectional, namely moves to the center or periphery, that is designated by serial number 5.
Formation of a great stream of light can be compare with matrixes according to which sequence of letters or runes is spiral and corresponds with circles, that is designated by serial number 6. Because occurrence of a great light stream means returning Sophia in a primary condition.
Also words of apostle John are written in the Gnostic book of Pistis Sophia in 63 chapter.
"And thou didst go to the region of the rulers and didst give unto them the mysteries (names or runes) of the Height; they became righteous and good."
"And all the rulers of the six aeons of Yabraoth have made peace with the mystery of the Light."

It is impossible to be assured what exactly such words was spoken by the Christ and apostles. And also it is impossible to approve that words of the Christ have been told about geometrical figures of runic signs and alphabetic symbols in names of gods, or otherwise to tell heavenly essences and divine entities of world reality.
But however can be assumed that the Christ indirectly spoke about geometrical figures which are prototypes of names, though he did not speak about it directly. Because phonetic structure of human speech and languages of mankind, and also runic and alphabetic systems of writing are display of world reality.
And also it is possible to assume that the Gnostic book of Pistis Sophia is not invented or otherwise to tell fictitious, but nameless author was the real participant in conversation of the Christ with apostles and disciples, namely was present on Olive mountain where this event took place. Because information about names of Archons also exists in the Apocryphon of apostle John who too was present on Olive mountain and was the participant of conversation.
In particular in the Apocryphon of apostle John it is written.
"And in the names which were given to them by their Originator there was power. But the names which were given to them according to the glory which belongs to heaven mean to them destruction and powerlessness. Thus they have tow names."

Following page gives information about ratio of circular numerological matrixes of different alphabetic systems of human civilization with divine hierarchies and names of world reality.

And also pages of this part of website give information about Egyptian hieroglyphs and angelic hierarchies of mystical philosophy, Finno-Ugric people of Ural Mountains and deities of Greek myths, future Kingdom of heaven or new Jerusalem and Gnostic book of Pistis Sophia, cosmogony system of ancient Egypt and occult mantic fortune-telling.
