
review of linguistic word games

word forming game with alphabets various games and puzzles complete sets of playing cards

Principles of this word forming game.
Linguistic differences with "scrabble" and "erudite".

The present word game differs from prototypes such as scrabble or erudite, as interaction of letters occurs without obligatory formation of words during gaming process, though forming of lexical compositions on squares of a chess board is the key rule. Namely players or gamers in scrabble or erudite put tokens or tiles with letters on a playing board only in that case when words are formed, and participants of this game move, shift or spread alphabetic signs on a chessboard the same as manipulate chessmen or draughts men. Thus formation of words as a result of a manipulation letters is event which can or cannot occur.
This is essential and basic difference of the present logic board gaming from other linguistic games with letters, such as scrabble or erudite in which obligatory word-formation is a necessary rule for realization of playing process.
Rules of scrabble and erudite look in other sources of information.
Other difference of this word forming board game from similar designs consists that quantity of letters in a set is comparable with number of squares on a chessboard, that allows to see and manipulate symbols of alphabet within the optimum space for perception,  just as playing figures in a chess or checkers. Namely the used design is similar to classical chessboard that allows to consider the present playing construction among other classical board games.
In particular the offered gaming design can be considered as possible for sports competitions and tournaments on logic games alongside with a chess and checkers, or playing cards and dominoes on a chessboard.
The optimum space of a classical chess board and optimum quantity of playing cards with symbols of alphabet allows to perceive letters as strict mathematical system which is similar to mathematics of other logic games. Namely letters are alphabetic signs or otherwise to tell objects of linguistics, but not only linguistic rules operate during game on a chess board, and also mathematical principles which are so interesting as laws of mathematics in a chess or domino gaming.
One more difference of the present linguistic board game from prototypes is that three-letter or two-letter words can be formed more often during playing interaction, and very seldom greater number of letters can be involved in word-formation, that is enough simple in comparison with other linguistic gaming. As quantity of three and two-letter combinations in languages are not big, and consequently necessary words can be involved in operative memory of players. And all necessary words can be systematized in a special dictionary which allows to identify alphabetic combinations allowable for word-formation.
Vocabulary dictionary allows to form only certain alphabetic combinations which are known to all participants of game and are listed as a lexicon, that excludes disputes on admissibility of those or other words. Namely lexical dictionary can allow to identify combinations of alphabetic signs in a context of linguistic games or puzzles.
For optimum mutual understanding of players in a context of the present word game there is no necessity to consider complex and little-known lexical forms, as well-known common words quite provide an opportunity of gaming interaction. Namely basic feature of the present linguistic game is the limited quantity of alphabetic signs, and accordingly limited quantity of probable lexical combinations, but potential for moving letters on squares of a chess board without formation of words allows to carry out interesting positional-combinational games and puzzles. For example, if players or gamers are opposite each other and have rights to read words only from left to right in different directions then they can create combinations of letters which convenient for itself and inconvenient for opponent. So if the letter Q is located at the left of U then it will not give your opponent to use such alphabetic combination for formation of words, but it will give such opportunity for you.
And also there are many other linguistic principles which are connected to rules of orthography or spelling, and have essential value in the event that players move letters as chessmen and read words on squares of a chess board, that differs from features of other lexical word games, such as scrabble or erudite.
In total offered design of linguistic word game with letters has original rules which allow to carry out very various gaming interactions, and also puzzles or conundrums, as playing cards with symbols of alphabet on squares of a chessboard can be considered as logic and mathematical chess system.


Besides the present word game allows to carry out predictions and prophecies by means of puzzles and conundrums, that too differs from gaming principles of scrabble or erudite. Namely letters in this game can be used as sets of mantic tiles or predictive signs which are capable to answer words for asked questions at arrangements of alphabets on squares of a chess board. In essence the present word forming game with letters can be used for references to oracle which the alphabet is.
Look information about mantic qualities of alphabets on pages of this web site in section which has the name: metalinguistics.
Similar word games cannot be applied as sets of mantic accessories for predictions and prophecies because quantity of playing tiles in the scrabble contradicts linguistic totality of letters in any alphabetic systems, that is infringement of sacral numbers which are incorporated in alphabets. But the linguistic design of the present word game has quantity of playing cards which are coordinated with natural system of the Latin alphabet and English language, and also with a chess board which has number of squares comparable to sacral numerology of letters in the universal alphabetic construction of written signs.
And also there are other linguistic differences of the present word game with designs of scrabble or erudite.


Alphabetic playing cards and chessboards of this word forming game can be considered as objects for analysis in a context of scientific linguistics or philology. In particular the shown gaming design can be interesting in view of mathematical linguistics if to consider frequency factors of letters in languages and to see alphabetic signs as numerical sizes or digital values which are equivalent to sign systems in mathematics. Or if to consider playing cards with letters on squares of chess-boards as spatial or otherwise to tell topological parameters of geometrical ratios according to which alphabets form words or lexical combinations of human speech.
For example, look information on principles of geometrical linguistics and numerology of alphabets on pages of this website in section which has the name: letters of gods.
