Except for graphic signs of the Germanic runic writing and Slavic letters of
Cyrillic alphabet also characters or phonetic symbols of other alphabetic
systems of human civilization can be correlated to divine hierarchies which are
described in the Gnostic book of Pistis Sophia. And in essence it is possible to
correlate numerical axes and circles of numerological matrixes of various
alphabets of mankind to levels of world reality about which the Christ spoke for
discipls and apostles on Olive mountain.
In particular the book of Pistis Sophia contains information on eight circles of
world reality and gradations of divine hierarchies which are shown in the table.
0 - Treasury of the Light - pronoia of invisible Spirit - five inscriptions - First Commandment. |
1 - First Mystery - image of divine pleroma - ennoia of the Christ - Logos. |
2 - physical reality - World of Men or Cosmos. |
3 - celestial firmament - ethereal or ether reality - Gnosis. |
4 - deities of Osiris. |
5 - providence or fate - Heimarmene - astral reality or plane. |
6 - Archons of twelve aeons - Gehenna - absolute fiery reality. |
7 - thirteenth aeon - divine pleroma. |
8 - veil of the Treasury of Light. |
Center - Treasury of Light.
The treasury of light is combination of five divine qualities, namely the
forethought, and the foreknowledge, and the indestructibility, and the eternal
life, and the truth which have opened as light of invisible Spirit and have
formed the pronoia of world reality, that is written in the Apocryphon of
apostle John.
Look information about pronoia of world reality on pages of other website
www.emotions.64g.ru in section which has the
name divine categories.
First circle - First Mystery.
The first mystery is spark of light or ennoia of the Christ who is born as
unique son or projection of divine pronoia of invisible Spirit, that too is
written in the Apocryphon of apostle John.
And in the book of Pistis Sophia it is written: "Jesus had said concerning
that mystery, that it surrounded the First Commandment and five Impressions and
the great Light and five Helpers and the whole Treasury of the Light".
Namely the first mystery surrounds five impressions or inscriptions and great
light of five helpers or leaders which are in the center and correspond to five
divine qualities of the pronoia of invisible Spirit.
And also first mystery is the image of divine pleroma which has resulted from
realization of ennoia of the Christ and is the prototype of all universe.
Second circle - physical reality.
Physical reality is the space or otherwise to tell astronomical cosmos of
The space of a physical reality is incorporated with divine hierarchies as in
the book of Pistis Sophia in 100 chapter it is written.
"All angels and all archangels, and gods and lords, and all rulers and all
great invisibles, and all those of the Midst and those of the whole region of
the Right, and all the great of emanations of the Light, and their whole glory,
that ye all one with another are out of one and the same paste and the same
matter and the same substance, and that ye all are out of the same Mixture."
"And if ye reach unto the region of the Great Invisible, and unto the regions of
all the great emanations of the Light, then will ye be revered among them all,
because ye are the refuse of their matter and are became light more purified
than them all."
Third circle - heavenly arch or celestial firmament.
The space of firmament is ethereal reality in the context of Greek philosophy.
And also the space of celestial firmament corresponds with general concepts and
mental meanings of planets and stars in the context of astrology. Namely with
ethereal essences of planets and stars.
Fourth circle - First Sphere.
In this sphere of world reality there is a court of Osiris in the context of
Egyptian mythology.
Fifth circle - Second Sphere or Heimarmene.
Righteous souls find pleasure in this sphere after court of Osiris, namely this
space of world reality corresponds with IARU or paradise realm of reed fields in
the Egyptian Book of the Dead. Or with Elysium or the Elysian Fields in the
Greek myths. Or with the Summerland which is the highest level of afterlife and
hopes of people in popular theosophy and contemporary pagan religions.
But also this sphere is connected with providential forces which predetermine
destinies of people.
Also this sphere is the space of astral reality in the context of modern occult
Sixth circle - Archons of twelve aeons.
This sphere is Gehenna or fiery reality where souls of people burn as it is
written in 27 chapter in the book of Pistis Sophia. "I have shortened times
and periods because of the perfect number of souls who shall receive mysteries (names).
And had I not shortened their periods, no material soul would have been saved,
but they would have perished in the fire which is in the flesh of rulers (Archons)."
And also in 100 chapter it is written.
"For the sake of the race of men, because it is material, I have torn myself
asunder and brought unto them all the mysteries of the Light."
"Else would no soul of the total race of men have been saved, and they would not
be able to inherit the kingdom of Light, if I had not brought unto them the
purifying mysteries."
Sixth circle is the space of absolute reality which corresponds with Brahman or
spiritual consciousness from the view point of Indian philosophical doctrines,
or with Initial Engine in the context of ancient Greek philosophy. Because in
this circle there was reflection of divine pleroma which is the prototype of all
Seventh circle - thirteenth aeon.
The seventh circle and space of thirteenth aeon is divine pleroma which has
resulted as realization of ennoia of the Christ.
The thirteenth aeon has not been transformed or reorganized as a result of
Ascension of Jesus Christ, because divine pleroma is the prototype of all
universe, as it is written in 20 chapter of the Gnostic book of Pistis Sophia:
"And if they invoke mysteries of the magic of those who are in the thirteenth
aeon, they will accomplish them well and surely, because I have not taken away
power from that region, according to the command of the First Mystery".
Eighth circle - veil of the Treasury of Light.
This circle is projection of the center or otherwise to tell external part of
internal part of universe, as it is written in 10 chapter of the Gnostic book of
Pistis Sophia.
"You are the First Mystery which existed from the beginning in the Ineffable
before it came forth; and the name thereof are we all. Now, therefore, are we
all come to meet thee at the last limit, which also is the last mystery from
Namely eighth last circle is border of divine pronoia which has opened as light
of invisible Spirit and corresponds with the center of all circles.
Jesus Christ has left the treasury of light and was showed in the first mystery,
and also embodied in physical reality, and after Ascension has reached the
eighth circle and has connected internal part to external part of universe.
More detail information on circles of world reality and gradation of gods,
and also about divine pronoia of light and pleroma in the context of Gnostic
Christian philosophy, namely in texts of various Apocryphal books I shall try to
publish in the future.
Pay attention that circles of world reality in the context of Gnostic book of
Pistis Sophia can be compared with cosmic realms which have name LOKA in the
context of Hindu mythology and cosmology.
Second circle - physical reality - BHUR-LOKA - Earth.
Third circle - firmament or ethereal reality - BHUVAR-LOKA - space of
wise men between Earth and Sun.
Fourth circle - deities of Osiris - SVAR-LOKA - heavens of INDRA between
Sun and Polar Star.
Fifth circle - Heimarmene or astral reality - MAHAR-LOKA - space of
BHRIGU and other great sages.
Sixth circle - Archons of twelve aeons or fiery reality - JANA-LOKA -
deities or sons of BRAHMA.
Seventh circle - thirteenth aeon - TAPA-LOKA - space of deity VIRAJ.
Eighth circle - veil of the Treasury of Light - SATYA-LOKA - space of
And also pay attention that Hindu mythology and cosmology have not information
on the first circle which in spatial spheres of world reality in the context of
Christian Gnostic philosophy is the spark of light of divine pronoia or ennoia
of the Christ.
The listed spheres of universe can be correlated to circles and numerical axes
of numerological matrixes not only Germanic runes of Elder Futhark and Slavic
letters of Cyrillic alphabet, that is shown on previous page in this section of
website, but also with different alphabetic systems of human civilization. As in
all cases geometrical figures of runes or letters can symbolize names of gods
which form celestial hierarchies of eight circles of world reality if sequences
of alphabetic symbols or runic signs in alphabets and systems of writing are
coordinated with esoteric principles and mystical structures of universe. Or
otherwise to tell if sequential orders of runes of alphabetic characters are
constructed according to sacral geometry and universal structural organization
of divine phenomena of the existing world.
Classical alphabet of Ancient Greece.
In the classical Greek alphabet on 1st century of new era during occurrence of
Christian philosophy there were 24 alphabetic characters as letters DIGAMMA,
QOPPA, SAMPI were absent.
Numerological matrixes of the classical Greek alphabet can have six variants.
4 and 6 numerical axes or circles.
3 and 8 numerical axes or circles.
2 and 12 numerical axes or circles.
Actually geometrical parameters of numerological matrixes of classical Greek
alphabetic system are comparable to matrixes of Germanic runes of Elder Futhark,
and consequently can have identical ratios with circles of world reality and
hierarchies of gods. But sequences of Germanic runic signs and Greek letters are
different, and consequently ratios of two writing systems with circles of
universe and divine hierarchies can be unequal.
Archaic alphabet of Ancient Greece.
The archaic Greek alphabet had 27 letters that corresponded to numbers of
decimal system of mathematical notation and Pythagorean numerology.
Numerological matrixes of archaic Greek alphabet can have four variants.
3 and 9 numerical axes or circles.
2 and 13 numerical axes or circles if one letter has position in the center of
matrix as 2x13=26+1=27.
The geometrical structure of world reality has only eight spheres, and
consequently numerological matrix of archaic Greek letters cannot consist of
nine or thirteen circles. But each sphere of world reality can consist of
several internal divine hierarchies which can be correlated to circles of any
circular matrixes.
Look information about archaic Greek alphabet
and parities of Olympic pantheon of mythological deities of Ancient Greece with
numbers of Pythagorean numerology on pages of this website in section which has
the name: letters of gods.
Also look information on 3rd page in this section of website about parities of
letters in archaic Greek alphabetic system with names of Argonauts.
Aramaic alphabet and Phoenician writing.
Letters of Aramaic alphabet were phonetic signs of a spoken language by means of
which Jesus Christ and apostles spoke, and also were derivatives of 22
characters of ancient Phoenician writing which from the view point of modern
linguistics is considered as the primary source of all alphabetic systems of
Numerological matrixes of aramaic alphabet can have four variants.
3 and 7 numerical axes or circles if one letter is in the center of matrix as
2 and 11 numerical axes or circles.
The number of Aramaic alphabetic characters corresponds to
major arcanas in the deck of Tarot fortunetelling
cards, about that look information on the fifth page in section which
has the name: letters of gods.
Contemporary Russian alphabet.
Numerological matrixes of contemporary Russian alphabetic characters can have
four variants.
3 and 11 numerical axes or circles.
4 and 8 numerical axes or circles if one letter is located in the center of
matrix as 4x8=32+1=33.
Letters of contemporary Russian alphabet can be correlated to
33 deities of Vedic mythology, about that
look information on pages of this site in section which refers to
names of gods.
Initial or primordial Latin alphabet.
Primordial Latin alphabetic system had 21 letter.
Numerological matrixes of primordial Latin alphabet can have four variants.
3 and 7 numerical axes or circles.
4 and 5 numerical axes or circles if one letter has position in the center of
matrix as 4x5=20+1=21.
Look information about characters of primordial or
initial Latin alphabet on pages of this
website in section which refers to letters of gods.
Contemporary Latin alphabet.
Contemporary Latin alphabetic system has 26 letters which are writing basis of
modern West-European languages.
Numerological matrixes of contemporary Latin alphabet can have three variants.
2 and 13 numerical axes or circles.
5 and 5 numerical axes and circles if spatial arrangement of one letter
corresponds with the center of matrix as 5x5=25+1=26.
Pay attention that contemporary Latin alphabetic letters can be correlated to
calendar sequence of jubilee years in the context of bible chronology. And also
with 52 weeks of annual cycle in the Qumran religious calendar which is
described in Gnostic books, and in particular in the apocryphal Book of Jubilees.
Look information about Qumran religious calendar and jubilee years of bible
chronology on the seventh page in this section of website.
Decans of ancient Egyptian astrology.
The quantity of astronomical constellations of celestial Decans in the context
of ancient Egyptian astrology can be correlated to number of significant
phonemes of Vedic Sanskrit and 36 graphical signs of retrospective runic writing
of Scythian people, that is described on the third page in this section of
Numerological matrixes of significant phonemes of Vedic Sanskrit and signs of
runic writing of Scythians can have three variants.
6 and 6 numerical axes and circles.
5 and 7 numerical axes or circles if one rune or one phoneme is in the center of
matrix as 5x7=35+1=36.
Look information about mythological names of 36 star Decans of ancient
Egyptian astrology on 3rd page in this section of website.
Danish runes of Younger Futhark.
Numerological matrixes of Danish runic alphabet can have five variants.
4 and 4 numerical axes and circles.
2 and 8 numerical axes and circles.
3 and 5 numerical axes and circles if one runic sign has position in the center
of matrix as 3x5=15+1=16.
Arabian alphabet.
The Arabian alphabetic system has 28 letters that corresponds to celestial
stations or heavenly mansions of lunar astronomic cycle in the context of
Chinese or Hindu astrology.
Numerological matrixes of Arabian alphabetic characters can have four variants.
4 and 7 numerical axes or circles.
3 and 9 numerical axes or circles if one letter has position in the center of
matrix as 3x9=27+1=28.
Look information about celestial stations or heavenly mansions of
astrological lunar cycle on the sixth page
in section which has the name: letters of gods.
It is necessary to tell that writing systems of inscriptions correspond with
circles of world reality and divine hierarchies if runes or letters form
systematized orders or organized alphabetic sequences, namely if written signs
and characters are coordinated with sacral geometrical structures which form
phenomenal construction of universe. Namely if consecutive order of written
characters is organic for physical and metaphysical phenomena of the existing
world reality.
But not all alphabets and runic systems correspond to this criterion.
In particular it is possible to assume that Anglo-Saxon runes can not be
correlated to circles of world reality and divine hierarchies. Because 33
Anglo-Saxon runes corresponds to 24 Germanic runic signs of the Elder Futhark,
but consecutive order has 9 additional graphic symbols or characters of phonemes
which are at the end in essence are not coordinated with universal system
according to which sounds of human speech are connected with sacral geometry of
physical and metaphysical phenomena of existing reality.
Or it is possible to assume that alphabetic characters of Coptic alphabet cannot
be correlated to circles of world reality and divine hierarchies. Because 29
Coptic letters correspond to 24 symbols of the classical Greek alphabet, but
alphabetic sequence has 5 additional graphic signs which are at the end and
designate phonemes which may be not coordinated with universal acoustic system
of human speech and sacral geometry of universe.
It is actually possible to assume that numerological matrixes of only some
universal alphabets or runic writings can be compared to circles of world
reality and names of gods in heavenly hierarchies of universe, that can be a
theme of future linguistic and mystical researches.
I hope that the given information will appear useful and will be demanded for research of this esoteric theme.
On previous pages in this part of website look information about divine essences of Osiris and alphabetic symbols of Indian Sanskrit, akashic records of mystical philosophy and triads of Roman mythology, human souls and worlds of Hindu cosmology, occult runic fortune-telling and hierarchies of universe.